Page 15 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 15

daily dose


    “     Start your day by writing a list                                   1O THINGS I AM

                                                                             GRATEFUL FOR TODAY
          of the things you are grateful for.

          Do that daily and it will                                          1

          change your life.             “


         WHAT’S A TYPICAL DAY          and longevity. In it, I delve into how
         LOOK LIKE FOR YOU?            we all have a gift, a mission, and
         When I wake up, I focus on    a purpose in life. Often, we put all
         gratitude, which brings me back    we have into achieving our goals   3
         to what I am most passionate   and daily tasks, but we do so at
         about in my life—taking care of    the detriment of our health. To
         my family and my community.    me, spartans are people who help
         I pray and I meditate.        us, put others before themselves,     4

         I meditate throughout the day,   and focus on the betterment of
         too—in my office, when I walk my   humanity. The book explores the
         dog, when I am driving my car.   importance of mind, body, and
         It doesn’t have to be a long or   spirit balance to achieve our best,   5
         formal seated practice. At the end   healthiest selves while serving
         of the day, I repeat these practices   others.
         before going to sleep.        WHAT’S ONE PIECE OF HEALTH
                                       ADVICE YOU HAVE FOR PEOPLE?
         WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE    Start your day by writing down        6
         A BOOK? WHY THE TITLE?        at least 10 things you are grateful
         My book, Healing the Spartan,   for. Do that daily and it will change
         which will publish soon, provides a   your life. The health benefits
         breakthrough plan to heart health   are immeasurable.

                                       READ THE FULL STORY



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