Page 14 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 14

take heart

                                      HOW HAS COVID-19 AFFECTED     We also are looking to engage
                                      THE WAYS YOU ENGAGE WITH      alumni from the National Football
                                      THE COMMUNITY?                League to help with some of our
                                      The biopsychosocial approach   programs. Community members
                                      is more important than ever,   love interacting with them. Those
                                      especially now with COVID-19.   who are influential in the
                                      We see so many people resistant   community are in an ideal
                                      to vaccination. In the medical   position to help deliver health-
                                      community, we must ask ourselves   related messaging that will help
                                      why and what we can do to help   improve people’s lives.
                                      break down that resistance. For
                                      me, that means building trust with   WHAT DO YOU THINK IS
                                      people. It also means delivering   THE BIGGEST BARRIER TO
                                      information in ways—and in    GOOD HEART HEALTH?
                                      places—that resonate with them.   Access. Yes, many people have
                                      Right now, too many people are   doctors and insurance. My father
                                      turning to the internet and they   had both, but he didn’t have
                                      are getting a lot of misinformation.    the right kind of access nor was
                                                                    information delivered to him in
                                      WHAT ARE SOME PROGRAMS        ways that would really inform him
                                      THAT ARE WORKING WELL?        how to take better action. When
                                      Through the CCI we run programs   his legs got so swollen he couldn’t
                                      such as Walk with a Doc, Shop   walk, he listened to a friend—not
                                      with a Doc, and a variety of   a doctor—who told him to put
                                     “meducation” community education   leeches on his legs to reduce
                                      activities that focus on self-  the swelling. Remember that the
                                      care and deliver cardiovascular   biopsychosocial approach is key.
                                      screenings. For instance, we work   If you know your patients,
                                      with faith-based leaders through   genuinely care about them, and
                                      our “medevangelism” program.   they trust you, then they are all in.

                                     BLACK ALUMNI                   Help us foster a network for

                 Unite.              NETWORK                        personal and professional
                Engage.                                             connection and provide a sense
                                     UNIVERSI T Y OF ROCHESTER      of community for alumni of color.
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