Page 13 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 13

Sanul Corrielus ’98M (MD) grew up in Haiti, one of nine
        children. When he was three years old, his father took a

        job in the U.S. that allowed him to better provide for his family.
        Throughout his childhood, Corrielus spoke with his father
        often by phone, and he dreamed of reuniting with him, someday.


             hat dream came true when,   Today, Corrielus runs Corrielus   HOW DID YOUR ROCHESTER
        T at 17 years old, Corrielus   Cardiology in Philadelphia, where   EDUCATION HELP YOU BECOME
         moved to Brooklyn to live with    he has lived for 23 years. He is   THE PHYSICIAN YOU ARE TODAY?
         his father. He finished his last year   also the CEO for Suave Concierge,   The biopsychosocial approach—
        of high school and then enrolled   a personalized medical service   which the medical school founded—
        at Brooklyn College. Soon after,   that provides custom care to help   has become the cornerstone of my
         his father got sick.         prevent heart disease. In addition,   practice. As medical students, we
                                      Corrielus founded the Community   were taught that the relationships
        “I watched heart disease      Cardiovascular Initiative (CCI),   we have with our patients—our
        consume my father,” says      a program that partners with   fellow community members
        Corrielus. “I vividly recall how    community agencies, churches,   and neighbors—is of paramount
         little he knew about his condition.   and organizations such as the   importance. Understanding,
         It was as though he was fighting   Centers for Disease Control and   knowing, and respecting my
         in a war without any basic   the American Heart Association to   patients helps me provide the
         understanding of how to defend   educate underserved community   best health care I can.
         himself.” His father died within    members about good heart health.
        a year of their reunion.                                   WHO ARE YOUR HEROES?
                                      Corrielus serves as a program   Besides my father, my 93-year-old
        “Looking back on my formative   committee leader, too, with   mother is another hero of mine.
        years, it feels like I was being   the University’s Black Alumni   She taught me so much about
         trained for war,” he says. “It’s    Network. “Dr. Corrielus truly   perseverance and resilience.
         just that I didn’t know that the    has a heart of gold,” says Karen   Then there’s Dr. Timothy Benson.
         war I’d be fighting would be   Chance Mercurius, associate   He was my medical school
        against heart disease.” Losing    vice president of Alumni and   roommate, classmate, and friend.
         his father launched Corrielus   Constituent Relations. “His passion   Tim died two years ago. Before he
        on his quest to become a      for educating and uplifting others   passed, he wrote me a note on
        cardiologist. His wish: to    is inspiring, which helps people—  the back of his business card that
        empower people with the       his patients, community members,   I will never forget: “To my brother,
         knowledge and tools to take    and our alumni and friends—live   to succeed greatly, you must serve
        care of their heart health.   longer, happier, and healthier lives.”  profoundly.” Tim got it. He was a

                                                                   good doctor and the kind of human
                                                                   being that inspires others to be
                                                                   all they can be.

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