Page 34 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 34


                                                        WHAT’S A KEY LESSON YOU’VE LEARNED
                                                        FROM SCIENCE?
            F IV E  MIN U TE S  W I TH                  Scientists have to be comfortable with uncertainty.
            Stephen Dewhurst                            Experiments fail. Discoveries upset our
                                                        preconceived theories. New technologies come
            Vice dean of research at the School of Medicine   along and radically change the way we do our
            and Dentistry and the interim vice president for
            University research                         work. In science, we have to be okay with “I don’t
                                                        know” as well as admitting when we are wrong.
            HOW DOES RESEARCH IMPROVE PATIENT CARE?     Research is never done and there is always
            All the medicines we have today are the result of   more to learn.
            research—period. Without research, we wouldn’t   WHERE DOES THE BEST SCIENCE COME FROM?
            have insulin for diabetics, drug therapies for   Science is like life—you can’t do it alone. It’s
            cancer patients, treatments for people with HIV/  essential to have a table around which many
            AIDS, and more. This is true for the COVID-19   different perspectives and areas of expertise can
            vaccines, too, which are based on decades of   sit and have their voices be heard. Physicians,
            basic research in infectious disease and RNA   statisticians, biologists, computer scientists, and
            biology, areas in which the University excels   others all need to work together; we also need to
            and has played a lead role. Research directly   include diverse voices that offer a breadth of ideas
            translates into better patient outcomes.    and different ways of approaching a question. The

                                                        result is better, more interesting science.

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