Page 35 - Buzz Magazine - Issue No 2 Winter 2021 | University of Rochester
P. 35

Photo by J. Adam Fenster  I V E R S I

                                                                                  THINGS FOR   T

                                                                               R  ALUMNI AND   O
                                                                                   FRIENDS    F
         WHAT KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHT?                                             T         O C H E S  R
         Usually, possibilities come to me at night. It excites me to think about
         all the ways we can leverage the University’s vast areas of strength.
         What we do together can have a far-ranging effect on those we
         serve. Right now, for example, our Wilmot Cancer Institute, URMC’s
         Division of Medical Humanities and Bioethics, and the Eastman School   Buzz Magazine
         of Music are developing a pilot project that will explore whether a    Winter 2021
         music intervention can help treat the cognitive effects of cancer
         chemotherapy. Having a world class music school, or a unique national
         resource like the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, under our University   THOMAS FARRELL ’88, ’90W (MS)
         umbrella provides collaborative opportunities that just aren’t possible   Senior Vice President
         elsewhere.                                                           for University Advancement

                                                                            KAREN CHANCE MERCURIUS
          FAVORITE PART OF THE JOB?                                            Associate Vice President
         The answer for most researchers, and certainly for me, is the students.   for Alumni and Constituent Relations
         Although we—the faculty and staff—get older every year, our incoming
                                                                               ERIN MARTIN KANE
         students are forever young. They are smart, idealistic, and infused
                                                                                  Executive Editor
         with the desire to make the world better. I’m grateful to play a role in
         their lives and careers. I’m also particularly thankful for opportunities
                                                                              MICHELLE HILDRETH
         to work with groups that have been excluded from the research        Creative Director + Designer
         community. For example, we have a program designed to create
         academic career paths for Deaf and hard of hearing researchers. I’m
                                                                           KRISTINE KAPPEL THOMPSON
         honored to be the joint principal investigator on this, along with Gerry
                                                                               Editorial Director + Writer
         Buckley, the president of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf
         at Rochester Institute of Technology.                               MARGARET BOGUMIL ’00
         I tend to focus on people-related activities first. Also, I try to remember
         that although I must do what needs to get done, it’s also vital to do
         something every day that brings me joy. Sometimes that means         Additional Staff Contributors
         choosing to go to a meeting that I might not need to go to, but that   HENRY BERNARDIN
         I want to attend. Or it could mean starting up an artist-in-residence   MARY BONOMO
         program at the Medical Center. Or it could simply translate into sitting   JEANETTE PEREZ COLBY
                                                                                   MIKE DAY
         in my office, surrounded by beautiful art works, listening to music while
                                                                               JOANNA HACKETT
         I write. I also run to work every day—usually while listening to audio
                                                                                EMILY HOTALING
         books. I love fiction and, right now, I’m deep into The Love Songs of
                                                                                MORSAL SAHAR
         W.E.B. DuBois by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers. We all must find ways to
                                                                               KRISTIN WITHALL
         feed and nurture ourselves so that we can nurture and support others.  NANCY ZAWACKI

         Stephen Dewhurst also serves as the Albert and Phyllis Ritterson Professor
         of microbiology and immunology. His research focuses on RNA viruses, including
         HIV, influenza, and SARS-CoV-2.
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