Page 3 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 3

Photo by J. Adam Fenster

                  DEAR READER,
                  As the calendar leads us closer to the end of another year, we are delighted to publish the
                  latest edition of Buzz magazine. The Buzz is about staying connected with our alumni and
                  friends and offering content that is lifestyle-oriented, interesting, and substantive.

                  In the spirit of connection, in 2022 we celebrated our reunion classes not once, as is the
                  tradition, but twice. In June, we invited the classes who would have celebrated milestone
                  reunions in 2020 to come back to campus. In October, we put on a more traditional Meliora
                  Weekend with dynamic speakers, faculty lectures, Yellowjacket football, plenty of food, and
                  live entertainment. It was great to see so many of our alumni, parents, and friends join our
                  students, faculty, and staff for a celebration of all things Rochester. It was especially gratifying
                  to see so many alumni come back to mark the Eastman School’s centennial.

                  Staying connected to the University and to each other gives us the opportunity to leverage
                  our individual contributions to help make a positive difference in our complex, wonderful,
                  but challenged world. Our connections also support the increasingly important mission
                  of the University.

                  If it has been a while since you’ve been to one of our events, I hope you’ll consider attending a
                  holiday celebration or new-year gathering in your region in the weeks ahead—or find another
                  way to meaningfully connect to all the good things going on in the University community.

                  Until then, please enjoy the Buzz and best wishes for a joyous season.

                  Thomas Farrell ’88, ’90W (MS)
                  Senior Vice President for University Advancement

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