Page 6 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 6

The Art and Science of Wine

         Overstreet sources her grapes from vineyards in   involved in the process, too—intuition, writing skills,
         Sonoma County—including her own estate pinot   design savvy, and the ability to connect with
         noir vineyard, Torrey Hill—and from the Santa    people are vital. Every year offers a new vintage
         Lucia Highlands.                            and a new challenge.”
         “Like all physicians, I invested a lot of time and    As a winemaker, Overstreet still makes rounds. She
         heart in my medical training,” she says. “Leaving   wakes early, walks the vineyards, plans a grape-
         wasn’t easy, but after 15 years of winemaking, it’s   picking schedule, and does whatever the season
         clear that I draw on the same skill set every day,    requires. For instance, when producing red wines,
         just differently. To me, winemaking is a magical   her first job each morning is to check temperature
         elixir of science and art, just like the best    and sugar levels in each tank. “If a tank overheats,
         physicians combine rigor and technique with a    the yeast in it can die and fermentation will stop,”
         big dose of humanity.”                      she says. “That can’t happen—I have to make sure

          MAKING A GREAT BOTTLE OF WINE              my grapes don’t get chilled or come down with
         Winemaking, Overstreet says, is not such a far cry   something like a fever.”
         from medicine. “I used to look at cross sections of   THE BUSINESS OF WINE
          tissue. Now I look at cross sections of grapes,” she   Bruliam is housed within a shared production
         says. Overstreet adds that in medical school, she   facility, which makes it possible for small, boutique
         was taught the biopsychosocial approach to patient   brands like Overstreet’s to run a business without
         care and learned how important it was to assess   the capital investment in large equipment like
          the whole patient to improve health outcomes.   crushers/destemmers and presses. The facility
         “It’s similar in winemaking,” she says. “We have   provides her access to state-of-the-art production
          to integrate a variety of factors that affect the   equipment along with the physical space needed
         production of a great wine, including sweetness,   to focus on hospitality, offer private tastings, and
         acidity, tannin, alcohol, and body. There’s art   provide guests with distinctive experiences.

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