Page 8 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 8

T AKING A                 We asked three alumni who         The study of light
                                  graduated in different generations
                                                                    has a profound
        L OOK A T                 to provide their perspectives on   impact on everyday
                                  optics, education, and the future.
                                                                    life, especially for
                                                                    these three Institute
                                                                    of Optics alumni

                                                                    by KRISTINE KAPPEL THOMPSON

                                                                    Optics is all about light: how it’s
                                  CHERINE GHAZOUANI ’21             propagated, generated, and
                                  A native of Tunisia, Cherine Ghazouani   detected. It’s small, it’s lightweight,
                                  is an optical design engineer at   and nothing in the world moves
                                  ASML, a semiconductor company     faster. It plays a central role in our
                                  in Connecticut. In college, she was   daily lives, too, without most of us
                                  a Student Alumni Ambassador,      knowing it.
                                  a peer advisor, an Ain Center for
                                  Entrepreneurship and Innovation   The applications are vast—from
                                  ambassador, and the recipient of an   entertainment to science to
                                  Alan and Jane Handler Scholarship,   medicine and beyond—and its
                                  which is awarded to students based   impact is huge. But meeting
                                  on their financial need, exceptional   the growing demand for optics
                                  academic talent, and outstanding   professionals is a challenge.
                                  leadership potential.            “Because nearly everything is
                                                                    powered by optics, the field
                                                                    is growing at an incredible
                                                                    rate,” says Tom Brown ’87 (PhD),
                                                                    director of the University’s
                                                                    Institute of Optics and the Mercer
                                                                    Brugler Distinguished Teaching
                                                                    Professor. “And, right now, there
                                                                    just aren’t enough knowledgeable,
                                                                    skilled, and trained scholars,
                                  BALA MANIAN ’69
                                  Bala Manian is an Indian-born     researchers, engineers, and
                                  Silicon Valley entrepreneur and   technicians out there. We—and
                                  a University life trustee. Career   the world—need more of them.”
                                  highlights include developing the first   A recent gift from University of
                                  laser scanner for the supermarket   Rochester life trustee James C.
                                  industry, earning an Academy Award
                                  certificate for technical achievement   Wyant ’67 (MS), ’69 (PhD), ’21
                                  in the film industry, and creating   (Honorary) and his wife, Tammy
                                  medical testing and instrumentation   Wyant, will help meet this demand.
                                  technology and products.          This fall, the couple established a
                                                                    $12 million, 10-year professorship
                                                                    challenge that will help the
                                                                    institute increase its faculty by
                                                                    50 percent, graduate the next
                                                                    generation of optics professionals,
                                                                    and help the institute grow its
                                                                    preeminent status.
                                                                    WHAT FASCINATES YOU
                                                                    ABOUT OPTICS?
                                  ALEXIS VOGT ’00, ’08 (PHD)
                                  Alexis Vogt is the endowed chair and   CG: It’s everywhere. Many
                                  professor of optics for the Optical   people assume I’m an optician
                                  Systems Technology program at     or that I do something related
                                  Monroe Community College in       to eye glasses. I want people
                                  Rochester, N.Y. This is the nation’s   to know that optics is all this
                                  only two-year degree program that   and more. My work actually has
                                  trains technicians for work in the   to do with the semiconductor
                                  precision optics industry.
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