Page 10 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 10

These experiences introduced   close to realizing that dream. A   AV: My family. My husband and
       TAKING A LOOK AT OPTICS  ABOUT YOU?   and I knew from a young age that   Today, he’s the president of
                                        lot of my peers were inspired by
           me to faculty, peers, business
                                                                    three kids inspire me every day.
                                        that movie, too.
           professionals, and friends with
                                                                    So does my brother, Joe Spilman,
           whom I still interact regularly.
                                                                    who took my lead and graduated
                                        BM: My father was in business,
                                                                    from the institute in 2003.
                                       I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I
           PEOPLE TO KNOW
                                       still do. At 77 years old, I continue
                                                                    Optimax, a local optics company.
                                        to work, and I don’t plan to retire.
           CG: A lot of people tell me I don’t
                                                                    Professionally, I’m proud of the
          “look North African.” I want to
           break down stereotypes like this,
                                                                    rewarding to see them thrive.
                                       AV: A kindergarten teacher.
           especially as a woman in science   I love what I do.     students at MCC. It’s incredibly
                                       Teaching has always interested
                                                                    Many of them have changed their
           from a developing country. It also   me, which is why I’m doing what   lives through this program.
           surprises people to know I speak   I do today.
           four languages. In Tunisia, we all                       WHAT MOTIVATES YOU?
           learn Arabic, French, and English.   PROUDEST            CG: I love challenges and being
           I also taught myself Turkish by   ACHIEVEMENT?           in a fast-paced environment, and
                                       CG: Graduating from the Institute
           watching television.                                     I want to be an entrepreneur
                                       of Optics. I made it through
           BM: Many people are surprised   the pandemic with a degree in    someday. Today, I get to walk in
           by my activity in optics because   optical engineering from one of   the footsteps of the institute’s
           I have only one eye. I lost my left   the best—if not the best—schools   legends, which is incredibly
           eye in an accident when I was   in the world for it.     inspiring.
           three years old. More often than   BM: Many people assume my   BM: I get excited about solving
           not, people assume I had an   proudest achievement is earning   problems. I often tell people
           accident with an optical laser, but   an Academy Certificate from   that you go to school to learn
           that is not the case.        the Academy of Motion Picture   how to learn. Once you’ve
          AV: I’ve played the violin since   Arts and Sciences in 1999. I   learned that, there is no science
           I was 5 years old. I was part of   received that for developing the   and no challenge beyond your
           a number of musical groups   optical technology that made   capabilities.
           in college and, up until the   special effects possible in such
           pandemic, still played in one of   movies as Return of the Jedi and   AV: Knowing that the program
           those ensembles. Another thing   Indiana Jones. Although that   at MCC can change lives, benefit
           that surprises people: I have Pi   was a great honor, I have made   our community, and affect the
           memorized up to 82 digits.   the maximum contribution at the   industry overall. It’s inspiring to
                                       intersection between optics and   get calls from local businesses
           WHAT DID YOU WANT TO         life sciences. For instance, my
           BE WHEN YOU GREW UP?                                     and from Google, Microsoft, and
                                       companies developed the first   Amazon alike—they all want
           CG: When I was in middle     laser film image recorder for   and need our graduates. The
           school, I saw the movie Iron   medical imaging, protein and   Rochester area has been, and
           Man. I wanted to have a helmet   DNA analysis instrumentation,
           and a lab just like Tony Stark’s,   cell and gene therapy products,   continues to be, such a great
           the lead character. As an optics   and blood-testing technology for   place for optics.
           professional, I’ve gotten pretty   AIDS and cancer patients.

          Did you know?

          Optics is at the core of many products, services,   LEARN ABOUT THE
                                                          WYANT OPTICS CHALLENGE
          and technologies, including:          
          Smartphones          LED light bulbs
          Cameras and          Traffic lights             FIND OUT MORE ABOUT
          telescopes           Barcode scanners 
          Remote controls and   Surgical devices
                               Medical diagnostics        EXPLORE THE
          Streaming services   and treatments             INSTITUTE OF OPTICS

          Self-driving cars                     
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