Page 14 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
P. 14


          families, audiences at festivals   The Native American flute is an   the heart, which has always
          and concerts, everyone—      instrument—a tool, really—that   been a defining aspect of this
          experience peace, happiness,   allows all people to express the   instrument.
          and delight,” says Svengsouk.   music that is inherently within   WHAT’S DISTINCTIVE
          “The Native American flute can   them. It’s a very accessible   ABOUT THE NATIVE
          do all of this—it can help us feel   instrument, too. By design, it   AMERICAN FLUTE?
          different, better.”          features a pentatonic scale,   It features two air chambers,
                                       which makes it possible to play   one to receive the air and
          For patients, music at the   notes in any order and always   another to produce sound. It
          bedside can alleviate pain and   produce a pleasant sound—you   doesn’t require an embouchure
          stress and help with relaxation.   can’t fail.           as other woodwind instruments
          Success comes in patient     DO YOU PLAY                 do, which means you can just
          response, and in how their   TRADITIONAL NATIVE          simply breathe into it. It also
          families, who are often also   AMERICAN SONGS?           comes in a variety of sizes,
          stressed and exhausted, react.   No. Most contemporary Native   shapes, designs, and woods
          Svengsouk frequently tells   American flute players like   that yield different sounds. For
          them that one of the greatest   me perform original music.   instance, a soft wood like cedar
          compliments they could give   Some traditional Indigenous   emits a rich, soft sound, while
          him is to fall asleep while he   songs do exist in written music   harder woods such as maple
          plays. “The music would have   form, and many songs are   or oak produce very crisp and
          then done its work,” he says.   played by Indigenous peoples   clean tones.
                                       in traditional settings or by   HOW MANY FLUTES DO
          PEOPLE TO KNOW               Indigenous recording artists   YOU OWN?
          ABOUT THE MUSIC YOU          and performers. For most non-  I’ve become a collector of sorts.
          PLAY?                        Indigenous flutists, we play from   I even keep a spreadsheet—

      Svengsouk lives in Rochester
      with his wife, Lisa. Together
      they have three adult children,
      Jocelyn ’11, ’14W (MS),
      Madeline, and Samuel.

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