Page 9 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
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industry, a field that has broad
        applications related to energy,
        manufacturing, transportation,
        and medicine. There’s so much
        potential with optics because,
        look around, everything is
        based on light and visuals.
        The challenge is to maximize
        practically unlimited potential.
        Think about it: optics plays a
        key role in everything from
        building self-driving cars to
        studying and understanding
        diseases to creating clean
        water systems for developing
        BM: Its broad application.
        When I came to the Institute
        of Optics in 1967, I was excited
        to see how optics was at the
        foundation and the intersection
        of many fields. As a graduate
        student, I was part of an                                               Photo by J. Adam Fenster
        ecosystem that inspired us to
        make a difference, to become   optics class with Professor   of my involvement with Industrial
        entrepreneurs, and to solve real   Julie Bentley—she’s an icon   Associates, an all-day event in
        world problems. I was in a very   in the field, a lens design   the fall and spring that immerses
        distinctive cohort.           expert, and a role model for all,   students in research, lectures,
        AV: Its potential. When I joined   especially for women in science,   and discussions with optics
        MCC six years ago, the optical   technology, engineering, and   professionals as well as a career
        technology program had just   mathematics (STEM).          fair. It’s all come full circle, too—I
        five students. Today, we have   BM: Professor Bob Hopkins’   got my first internship from an IA
        115. The program is growing   optics design courses 240 and   event, and today I work for that
        but doesn’t graduate enough   241. Those classes showed    company, and I attend IA events
        students to meet the regional   me that what I was learning   as a recruiter.
        and global demand for highly   could immediately relate to   BM: I don’t have just one. The
        skilled optics technicians. I   something practical. Professor   whole experience as a graduate
        encourage anyone who is       Hopkins became my role model   student and then later as an
        curious about our program     and mentor.                  assistant professor and manager
        to look into it. It attracts all                           of an optical fabrication and
        types. For instance, I was    AV: My first introductory optics   testing facility at the institute were
        at a fundraiser recently and   class with Professor Turan   important parts of my professional
        met a DJ who is also an auto   Erdogan. He is the reason I   development. Each step in my
        mechanic and a woodworker. I   am in this career. He had this   education and career helped lead
        told him about this program, he   remarkable way of distilling   to the next one.
        came for a tour, and now he is   complex topics down in a way
        enrolled as a student.        that I understood and that   AV: I did an honors research
                                      inspired me.
                                                                   project with Dr. Tom Foster
        FAVORITE OPTICS                                            at the Medical Center, which
        CLASS?                        PIVOTAL COLLEGE              showed me how much optics
        CG: Optics 101 with Professor   EXPERIENCE?                can do to serve the medical
        Tom Brown. Within a few weeks,   CG: There are many, including   industry. I also had two summer
        I was all in—drawn to the     being a Handler Scholar. I   internships at Corning. And, my
        field, the faculty, the institute,   wouldn’t have been able to   PhD work with Professor Tom
        my cohort, everything. I also   attend the University without   Brown was instrumental in laying
        really enjoyed my geometric   it—I owe so much to the Handler   the foundation for my career.
                                      community. I’m also very proud
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