
The Learning Center offers two different collaborative learning opportunities for undergraduates: PLTL Workshops and Study Groups.

Both programs offer an opportunity to study collaboratively with classmates under the guidance of an upper-level undergraduate leader who did well in the same course in an earlier semester.

Difference Between a PLTL Workshop and a Study Group

PLTL Workshops are sections of a specific course which students specifically register for and (usually) must attend for a grade. Workshops replace recitation sessions with smaller group collaboration where the workshop leaders are trained in peer-led team learning (PLTL) pedagogy.

Study Groups are a service which our office offers for courses that are not officially part of the courses they support. Students receive no grade incentive for attending and attendance is completely voluntary. The purpose of Study Groups is to offer students an environment where they know that everyone else who attends is doing so voluntarily because they want to improve their studying and performance in the course, and, as such, they can make connections with one another that might not otherwise be possible in a large lecture.