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Douglas Kelley

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Douglas Kelley studies the performance of liquid metal batteries.

Mixing in Metals Casting Liquid Metal Batteries Grid-Scale Energy Storage Fluid Dynamics of the Brain's Waste Removal System Coherent Structures in Reactive Mixing

Narayana Kocherlakota

Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics

Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics

Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments

Bethany Lacina

Associate Professor of Political Science

Bethany Lacina is an expert in civil and ethnic conflict.

Migration International Relations Territorial Autonomy Civil Conflict Ethnic Conflict

Matthew Lenoe

Associate Professor of History

Matthew Lenoe is a national expert in Russian/Soviet history.

Russian History Russia History of Mass Media Soviet Soldiers in World War II Stalinist Culture and Politics

Mitchell Lovett

Associate Professor of Marketing

Mitchell Lovett applies and develops quantitative methods to study marketing problems; AI expert

AI in Business Analytics AI in Business Consumer Learning Branding Advertising Content and Schedule Choices

April Luehmann

Associate Professor of Teaching & Curriculum

Luehmann is an education expert in the Warner School of Education

Augmented Reality in Education Innovative Teaching Science Education

Susana Marcos

Director of the Center for Visual Science, Nicholas George Professor of Optics, Professor of Ophthalmology

Susana Marcos is an acclaimed researcher in the field of visual optics and ocular imaging.

Visual Function Retinal Image Quality Properties of the Eye Visual Perception

Jeffrey McCune, Jr.

Frederick Douglass Professor

McCune is founding chair of the Department of Black Studies, and an expert on matters of race, gender, and equality.

Race Black Studies Queer Theory Contemporary African-American Literature & Drama Popular Culture and Media Communication

Renee Miller

Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Instructional Track; Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program

Miller examines sex differences in brains and behaviors. She is author of "Cognitive Bias in Fantasy Sports."

Fantasy Football Fantasy Sports and decision making Neuroscience Cognitive Bias Neurobiology

Shaun Nelms

Professor (Clinical), Co-Chair Educational Leadership, William & Sheila Konar Director of the Center for Urban Education Success

Nelms is also vice president for community partnerships at the University of Rochester

School Systems for Underserved Communities Urban Education Success School Culture School Turnaround K-12 Education

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