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John Singleton

James P. Wilmot Assistant Professor of Economics

Singleton is an expert in public economics and the economics of education, particularly as it relates to school choice.

School Boards School Finance History of Applied Economics Economics of Education Public Economics

Judith Smetana

Professor of Psychology

Smetana is an expert on adolescent-parent relationships, moral reasoning, and development in cultural contexts.

Teens and Self-Esteem Cultural Contexts Children's Moral and Social Reasoning Adolescent-Parent Relationships Parenting Beliefs

Curt Smith

Senior Lecturer

Curt Smith was a speechwriter for George H.W. Bush and is a recognized authority on baseball broadcasting

Rhetoric Baseball broadcasting Presidential speechwriting American Politics

Randall Stone

Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies

Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.

International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe

Samantha Veeder

Associate Dean of College Enrollment; Director of Financial Aid

An expert on financial aid policies, practices, and regulations.

CSS Profile FAFSA Financial Aid and Scholarships in Higher Education Financial Aid in Higher Education College Affordability

Joanna Wu

Susanna and Evans Y. Lam Professor of Business Administration

Joanna Wu’s research is related to financial disclosure and regulations, as well as the behavior of financial institutions.

Behavior of Financial Institutions and Intermediaries Financial Disclosure and Regulation

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