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HIGHLAND SCHOOL HOSPITAL OF NURSING • Gifs were used to match a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program, providing signifcant scholarship support to students. Te School has received funding from the program for six consecutive years totaling more than $750,000. $ care benefted from the continued expansion of the • Public school students with limited access to health comprehensive physical and mental health services ofered by our Rochester school-based health centers. $1,113,176 • Unrestricted gifs provided the resources for pilot Pledged studies in four areas of research: health promotion and healthy behaviors; health care delivery systems; chronic illness and palliative care; and symptom identifcation and management. Tese studies could lead to larger funding opportunities, helping the School build Centers of Excellence in these areas. SCHOOL STRONG MEMORIAL OF MEDICINE HOSPITAL AND DENTISTRY • A record number of six Hospital programs were listed in the top 50 of U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 Best Hospitals: Endocrinology (#21), Neurology/Neurosurgery (#29), Gynecology (#32), Nephrology (#32), Urology (#39), and Gastroenterology/GI Surgery (#48). • Surgeons introduced a new device to treat potentially deadly aortic aneurysms in the abdomen. $ • Scientists discovered a “waste removal system” • With the help of advanced 3D nuclear imaging technology, physicians at Strong are detecting heart disease faster than ever before. $344,941 Pledged in the brain and believe that understanding how to regulate it may lead to new treatments for neurological disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease.
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