Page 7 - Your Philanthropic Impact 2022 - George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
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SIMON BUSINESS                                          WARNER SCHOOL

                       SCHOOL                                          OF EDUCATION

                          $1.2M                                               $426,818

        •  In a highly competitive MBA landscape,           •  The Warner School, with the support of our Student
          scholarships remained a critical component          Ambassadors and the Director of Equity and
          of Simon’s admissions strategy. More than            Inclusion at Warner, created the Equity, Diversity and
          85% of our Full-Time MBA students received           Inclusion Library. This library is open to the Warner
          scholarships last year.                             Community and located in LeChase Hall.
        •  Simon climbed 4 spots to #25 in Bloomberg        •  Scholarship support provided critical financial
          Businessweek’s Best US Business Schools in           assistance through a guaranteed 50% school
          2021 and was ranked #33 in the 2022 U.S.             counseling scholarship to help address a statewide
          News & World Report rankings.                        shortage. Four of these students were able to

        •  Already deeply committed to Equity, Diversity,      participate in a new Counselors in Residency
          and Inclusion, in early 2021, U.S. News &            Program – a program designed to provide in-person
          World Report announced that among the                mental health support during evenings and
          full-time MBA programs ranked within the             weekends when the University Counseling Center
          top-50, Simon was the most diverse MBA               (UCC) is closed.
          program (#1) in the list of highly-ranked public   •  The Warner School’s Center for Urban Education
          and private business schools.                       Success (CUES) has hired its first post-doctoral
        •  Simon’s trailblazing STEM-designated                fellow, Dr. Eleni Duret, who will be partnering with
          degrees across all specializations and              CUES faculty to disseminate research outlining the
          programs are in high-demand, preparing               remarkable transformation that has taken place at
          students to lead and solve the toughest              East High School throughout its partnership with the
          challenges in today’s data-driven business          University of Rochester. Dr. Duret will also have a
          environment.                                         partial appointment in the Center for Professional
                                                               Development and Education Reform (CPDER) where
                                                               she will continue to assist in implementing anti-
                                                               racist/anti-oppression initiatives.

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