Page 8 - Your Philanthropic Impact 2022 - George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
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MEMORIAL ART                                      EASTMAN INSTITUTE

                        GALLERY                                      FOR ORAL HEALTH

                      $329,941                                                   $73,542

        •  Memorial Art Gallery (MAG), along with the           •  Eastman Institute for Oral Health (EIOH)
          University of Rochester River Campus Libraries,         continues to be a world leader in post-doctoral
          presented Up Against the Wall: Art, Activism,           education. The Periodontology and Pediatrics
          and the AIDS Poster. Six years in the making            Programs were ranked the best in the United
          and impeccably timed, the deeply informed               States in 2022, according to
          exhibition about another pandemic came                  and Becker’s Dental & DSO Review.
          together thanks to an advisory committee              •  A new, first-of-its-kind specialty care dental clinic
          representing diverse experts and communities.           opened to serve adult patients with medically
        •  Community engagement continues to be at the            complex conditions as well as intellectual and
          forefront. MAGConnect welcomed over 500                 developmental disabilities. Larger exam rooms,
          visitors by providing transportation, tours, and        a wheelchair lift, a bariatric chair, and other
          free MAG memberships.  Social media outreach,           special features help ease anxiety and provide a
          DeTOURs, exhibition-related programs, and               comforting experience.
          community Celebration Days raised MAG’s               •  Support helped EIOH renovate its campus
          presence in the community and beyond.                   facilities including new sedation suites in the
        •  MAG brought back our MAG-Rochester City                hospital clinic and updated treatment rooms, a
          School District Expanded Learning                       new library and study area, more conference
          Collaboration (ELC), and extended its reach             and seminar rooms, and additional office space
          from three schools to five, serving 518 students        for faculty.
          in Grades 2–4. We also engaged kindergarten
          students from RSCD #19.

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