Page 9 - Your Philanthropic Impact 2022 - George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
P. 9


                         HOSPITAL                                   HIGHLAND HOSPITAL

                         $362,327                                                $155,110

        •  Charitable giving provided critical support to          •  A private bed modernization project is now
          construct the Golisano Pediatric Behavioral Health         transforming nearly all in-patient clinical
          and Wellness building, which treats children and           space to private rooms, mirroring a growing
          adolescents with expanded and enhanced services            national trend. This will create more space for
          for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD, and        families and visitors, reduce the risk of
          other behavioral and emotional conditions. Thanks          infection, and help speed recovery.
          to these services, the waitlist for outpatient services   •  Social workers were provided with iPads so
          has decreased from 400 to 150.                             they could arrange video visits between
        •  The hospital celebrated the arrival of two new            patients and their loved ones.
          dedicated pediatric ambulances. Neonates and             •  The social work department also provided
          critically ill children from throughout the region will    meals for patients who were experiencing
          soon be transported to Rochester in emergency              food insecurity and financial assistance for
          vehicles designed just for their needs. The state-of-      medication costs and insurance co-pays. To
          the-art ambulances will allow staff to transfer            ensure a more comfortable and easier
          newborns and children from other facilities faster         discharge, patients in need received support
          and with high-tech equipment geared for the                for clothing and transportation when they left
          smallest patients.                                         the hospital.

        •  Golisano unveiled 3 Cardio-Renal Pediatric Dialysis     •  Financial assistance was provided to staff
          Emergency Machines (CARPEDIEM TM), a new                   who are furthering their education to advance
          continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)                their careers. Ten employees were helped
          designed specifically for small infants with acute         this year.
          kidney injury or kidney failure requiring dialysis.
          With 3 CARPEDIEM’s, Golisano Children’s Hospital is
          only the second hospital in the country to be trained
          and proficient in treating patients with the device.

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