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Overview of the FDP Model Subaward


The FDP Subaward Agreement template is comprised of a cover page and four (4) or more standard attachments.

  • The cover page identifies the general terms and conditions that govern the subagreement: payment mechanism, fiscal reporting requirements, indemnification, termination, and prior approvals.
  • Attachment 1 identifies the certifications the Subrecipient, by signing the subagreement, agrees to comply with: Certification Regarding Lobbying, Debarment and Audit and Access to records.
  • Attachment 2 identifies Agency Specific Certifications, General Terms & Conditions , Conflict of Interest Policies, and Special Terms and Conditions regarding copyright and data rights.
  • Attachments 3 A&B contain the institutional contact information.
  • Attachment 4 identifies non-fiscal Reporting Requirements.
  • Attachment 5 will contain the Statement of Work and Budget, including cost Sharing & F&A information.
  • Other Attachments as necessary (i.e. Prime Award, MPI Leadership Plan, etc.).







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