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How do I Submit Assignments? 

The Blackboard Assignment tool offers you the ability to submit files as assignments (e.g. Word documents, PDF files, Powerpoint files, etc.). It acts as a "homework dropbox" and any digital file can be collected through this tool.

A separate assignment will be available for each submission you are expected to submit. A submission can include multiple files.


The maximum size of all files uploaded to a single assignment attempt can be no larger than 1 Gb. If your assignment file is larger than this, you can store the files in a cloud service (suggested: Rochester Box or Google Drive for ASE undergraduates and Eastman School of Music students). You can then provide a link to your stored file using the Write Submission option in the Blackboard assignment tool.

Video: Assignment Overview

Submit an Assignment 

Video: Submit an Assignment

Check if an Assignment was Submitted 

Learn more about assignments at


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