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CLASP Toolbox

Practice Aids, Tools and Self-assessment Templates


May 26, 2020 Presentation on COVID-19 impact on Sponsored Project Survey, 2021 budgeting information, and PPE and sanitization supplies as direct costs

Budget Presentation Elective - Oct 2017

Back to The Basics
Detailed Budget
Preparing Single IRB Budgets

NIH NoGA Forensics Elective - Aug 2017

NIH NoGA Sample
Deciphering the NIH Application

Training Grants Elective - July 2018

PreAward Slide Deck
Appendices A-I
PostAward Slide Deck
Appendix AA - Glossary of Terms
Appendix BB - T32 Example
Appendix CC - PHSROE Training Grant
Appendix DD - GR52XXXX F FFR
Appendix EE - Training Grant ROE with deficit
Appendix FF - Statement of Appointment Form PHS 2271
Appendix GG - Termination Notice Form 416-7
Appendix HH - eRA Training
Appendix II - xTrain Institutional User Guide
Appendix JJ - FAQs
Appendix KK - Helpful Tools
Appendix LL - Quick Reference Termination Appointment
FY19 Fringe Benefit Components

Practice Aid regarding tasks to keep in mind when an account is terminating

A template to compare actual and budgeted effort for faculty on sponsored projects

Template for providing annual payments of research study participants data to Controller's Office
Self assessment tool to verify a proposal is compliant for requirements
PI verification and sign off of monthly ledgers form
Data tables to use with Institutional Research Training Grant Applications
Self assessment tool to verify a proposal is compliant for NSF Fastlane submission
Optional EXCEL sheet to assist with documentation of the final financial position of an account to be closed out when there are pending corrections and transactions.  This can be provided to your ORACS accountant.”
A spreadsheet that can be used just to confirm some of the more common percents of effort
Template for documenting payments made to participants in research studies
Frequently asked questions regarding payments to research subjects
Summary of UR Policy regarding payments to research study participants
Worksheet for River Campus faculty to document proposed summer research and compensation
River Campus summer salary guidelines FAQ document
Numeric examples of summer salary


Current CLASP Presentations


01/23 CLASP Presentation

01/23 CLASP Presentation

01/23 CLASP Presentation

"Research Security Program Implications"

"NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy Update"

"Service Centers"

02/23 CLASP Presentation

"Using the OCR Feasibility Process to Select the Best Studies"

03/23 CLASP Presentation

03/23 CLASP Presentation

"Reducing the Use of USB Storage Devices in URMC"

"Take-Aways from Past Year's NSF Audits of Peer Institutions"

06/23 CLASP Presentation

06/23 CLASP Presentation

"OptiFreight Logistics"

"Administrative Considerations for PI Movements to or from Peer Institutions"

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

09/23 CLASP Presentation

"Plan Confirmation System Review (PCSR)"

"Plan Confirmation System Review (PCSR) Update"

"Faculty Sabbaticals"

"Government Shutdown"

"On-Off-Around (Modified Off) Campus Rates"

"OHSP Update"

"NSF Biosketch and Current Pending Support Updates"

10/23 CLASP Presentation

10/23 CLASP Presentation

"Federal and New York State Website - Procurement"

"myURHR Effort Certification Changes"

11/23 CLASP Presentation

"Sponsored Research Compliance Reviews"

"CLASP Annual Update Presentation."

01/24 CLASP Presentation

01/24 CLASP Presentation

01/24 CLASP Presentation

01/24 CLASP Presentation

01/24 CLASP Presentation

"Purchasing Newsletter"

"NIH DMSP Common Feedback"

"NIH DMSP Budget Feedback"

"University Audit Effort Reporting Controls Document"

"Fixed Asset Policy Updates"

02/24 CLASP Presentation

02/24 CLASP Presentation

02/24 CLASP Presentation

02/24 CLASP Presentation

"Fixed Asset Policy Updates"

"Office of Clinical Research"

"URGEMS - General Encumbrance Management System"

"U.S. Small Business Administration - Small Business Subcontracting Program"

03/24 CLASP Presentation

03/24 CLASP Presentation

03/24 CLASP Presentation

03/24 CLASP Presentation

03/24 CLASP Presentation

03/24 CLASP Presentation

"NSF Updates"

"Lost or Damaged Goods During Transit"

"myURHR Readiness"

"Institutional Risk Assessment Process for PI-Initiated, Externally Funded Clinical Studies"

"Transfer of Confidential Information, Data, and Materials"

"Supplier Diversity for Grants Updates"

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

04/24 CLASP Presentation

"URGEMS - General Encumbrance Management System - Overview"

"URGEMS User Training Guide"

"Financial Reporting Updates"

"NSF Updates - April 2024"

"NSF PAPPG 24-1 Highlights"

"Biographical Sketch Common Form"

"Current and Pending (Other) Support Common Form"

"MWBE & SDVOB Requirements on NYS Department of Health Contracts"

05/24 CLASP Presentation

05/24 CLASP Presentation

"EFT Payment Review"

"Financial Reporting Updates"

07/24 CLASP Presentation

07/24 CLASP Presentation

"FY2022 F&A Proposal Update and DHHS Site Visit"

"myURHR Workday Payroll Effort Certification"

Archived RARA, River Rats, and CLASP Presentations