Page 5 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 5

Right-sized for a growing
       mission: As an aging U.S.                       he UR Medicine                  greatly expand our portfolio of
       population drives demand                 T      Orthopaedics & Physical         services to include new programs
       for musculoskeletal care,                       Performance Center project      that support wellness and injury
       UR Medicine responds with                is under way, and in two years’        prevention. These innovative
       a comprehensive center to                time when it is completed, will        approaches have been developed
       meet patients’ needs now                 redefine musculoskeletal care for      in Rochester, and build on our
       and in the years ahead.                  Western New York.                      department’s legacy of exploring
                                                                                       new approaches to advance
                                                The largest offsite capital project    musculoskeletal care.”
                                                in University of Rochester history
                                                will move clinical operations
                                                from its primary outpatient site,
                                                Clinton Crossings in suburban            “  The new site supports
                                                Brighton, to a new campus                our goal to see more
                                                adjacent to The Marketplace Mall.        patients, more quickly, and

                                                At approximately 330,000 square          gives us room to greatly
                                                feet, the new campus will be             expand our portfolio of
                                                nearly three times the size of           services to include new
                                                Clinton Crossing’s Building              programs that support
                                                D and include a perioperative            wellness and injury
                                                center designed for outpatient           prevention.  ”
                                                surgery and minimally invasive
                                                procedures. There will be up to
                                                140 new clinic exam rooms – a          When Building D opened nearly
                                                significant increase over the 86       two decades ago, its innovative
                                                currently available at Building        design combined a traditional
                                                D, plus eight operating rooms in       clinic with a rich mix of patient
                                                the first phase of construction by     resources including diagnostic
                                                2022 and another six as demand         imaging, an orthotic shop, and
                                                                                       physical, occupational and hand
                                                The department is expanding            therapy. That innovative approach
                                                its footprint in a very big way        delivered greater convenience to
                                                because it’s responding to a rapid     patients, and improved efficiency
                                                rise in patient demand.                for orthopaedic providers.

                                                “We have seen a 25 percent             The new campus extends the
                                                increase in Orthopaedics surgery       concept by adding onsite surgery
                                                cases over the past seven years,       designed for orthopaedics.
                                                and a 60 percent increase in           Another highly valuable
                                                ambulatory visits in the same          addition: the Center for Human
                                                timeframe,” said Paul T. Rubery,       Athleticism and Musculoskeletal
                                                M.D., Chair and Marjorie Strong        Performance and Prevention,
                                                Wehle Professor of Orthopaedics.       known as CHAMPP, will provide
                                                                                       innovative approaches to physical
                                                “The new site supports our             performance training and injury
                                                goal to see more patients, more        prevention.
                                                quickly, and gives us room to

                                                                          In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021  5
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