Page 10 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
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CMSR alumni who now lead orthopaedic
        departments at leading academic medical                                  CMSR Timeline
        centers are Regis O’Keefe, M.D., Ph.D.,
        (Washington University at St. Louis),
        James O. Sanders, M.D., (University of                    URMC faculty member William F.
        North Carolina), Stephen Kates, M.D.,                Neuman, Ph.D.–co-founder and ultimate   1979
        (Virginia Commonwealth University), and                 chair of Department of Biophysicis -   Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery,
        Kevin Black, M.D. (Pennsylvania State                 begins research in mineral metabolism.   Dr. C. McCollister Evarts, recruits a
        University).                                           In 1958 he and his wife, Dr. Margaret   Neuman trainee, Dr. John Brand, to
                                                              Neuman, publish the seminal text “The   lead the newly formed Orthopaedic
        In its 21st year, CMSR’s main focus is on              Chemical Dynamics of Bone Mineral.”   Research Laboratory.
        renewal of that P30 grant, an award it first
        earned while Rosier led the center.                                          1981
                                                             Chair of Orthopaedics Dr. Richard Burton   1984
                                                               recruits Dr. J. Edward Puzas, a former
        “We have many grants at the Center, but               trainee of Brand, who builds programs   Dr. Randy Rosier recruited as
        the P30 is the backbone,” Schwarz said.            focused on understanding bone matrix and   the first clinician scientist; he
        “It’s an infrastructure grant that doesn’t             the osteoblastic cells that produce it.   initiates the cartilage biology
        directly fund research but makes our                                                      program, focusing on growth factor
                                                                                                  regulation of the growth plate.
        research possible.”
                                                             Years of focus on recruitment and growth
                                                                culminate in Rosier’s appointment as   2002
          “  [Our mission is] to advance                      Chair of the Department of Orthopaedics   Dr. Puzas earns a Program Project Grant
                                                              & Rehabilitation and Director of the new
                                                                                                  examining the molecular basis of the
          our faculty members to                                Center for Musculoskeletal Research.   toxic effect of Pb on the skeleton.
          independence, establishing                                                               2003

          them as national leaders and                                                             CMSR takes its place as one of the
          the most desirable faculty in                                                            top five NIH-funded musculoskeletal
                                                                                                   research centers in the U.S., a
          their field by the top academic                                            2006          distinction that has continued
          programs in the country, upon                       Drs. O’Keefe and Michael Zuscik secure   uninterrupted for the past two
                                                                a ‘Training in Orthopaedic Research’   decades. In five of those years, CMSR
          which the ultimate success of                            T32 training grant that supports   earned the coveted, highly competitive
                                                                  CMSR’s efforts to recruit the most
          this Center will be judged.    ”                       promising talent from diverse pools   #1 spot for NIH funding.

                                                                of graduate students across the U.S.

        CMSR’s 800-page grant renewal                                                             2011
        application outlines how it maximized                                        2012         Drs. Rosier and Regis O’Keefe, who
                                                                                                  succeeded Rosier as director of CMSR,
        the value of P30 pilot grant funding.                    Dr. Schwarz is appointed director of   secure a Center of Research Translation
        “It all goes back to the foundation that               CMSR, focusing on inflammatory bone   (CORT) grant aimed at translating
                                                               loss, infections, tumor metastasis and
        Rosier and CMSR’s early architects and                 wear debris-induced osteolysis around   molecular signaling pathways into
        champions built, and the original mission                       loose prosthetic implants.   orthopaedic trauma care.
        statement written in the first P30 grant,                                                 Dr. Edward Schwarz earns a
        which remains: to advance our faculty                                     TODAY           Core Center Grant P30 from the
                                                                                                  National Institute of Arthritis and
        members to independence, establishing                 CMSR’s growth and global influence on   Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
        them as national leaders and the most                musculoskeletal research continue: it has   for 2011-2021, which provides robust
        desirable faculty in their field by the top            41 regular faculty, 36 new/early stage   funding for research as well as for the
                                                              investigators (N/ESI) and more than 100
        academic programs in the country, upon               scientists occupying greater than 22,000   development of research scientists
                                                                                                  early in their careers.
        which the ultimate success of this Center               square feet of lab and office space at
        will be judged,” Schwarz said.                         URMC. It published 253 peer-reviewed
                                                                         research papers in 2020.
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