Page 15 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
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and Surgery, and Co-Director,                                                  Orthopaedics and Pediatrics. A
        Principal Investigator, and Mentor                                             non-operative Sports Medicine
        of CHAMPP Urban Outreach,                 “  Research is critical to           physician, she’s been working
        has published the first two peer-         this endeavor so that we             with Exercise Express, a local,
        reviewed papers for the program.          can learn more about the             female- and minority-owned gym,
        They outline multiple, measurable         program’s efficacy, continue         to provide training space and
        improvements for athletes who             to improve our offerings,            education to study the long-term
        followed the program.                                                          benefit of athletic training and
                                                  and understand how this              mentoring on young women.
        “The initial paper showed                 can be replicated elsewhere
        improvement in athletes’                  to extend CHAMPP’s                   “We’re working to engage
        Functional Movement Screening             benefits far beyond our              inactive adolescent women
        scores, speed and agility,” Cole                                               and empower them to achieve
        said. “But the most surprising            community.   ”                       more active lifestyles, because
        benefit was the psychosocial                                                   inactivity makes them more at
        impact on female participants;                                                 risk for obesity, diabetes and
        data showed that we were able to        The CHAMPP team’s lessons              hypertension and the lifelong
        reduce anxiety, improve mood,           learned about recruiting and           health problems that they cause,”
        reduce depressive symptoms and          working with underrepresented          Rizzone said.
        pain, and improve participants’         patient populations can add value
        pain interference.”                     for University research initiatives,   Academic performance is
                                                Cole said.                             more important than athletics:
        Cole’s second paper demonstrated                                               “The greatest accomplishment
        that CHAMPP improved physical           “One of the biggest obstacles for      for me is the knowledge that we
        activity in female participants         research is the ability to recruit     are more than just an athletic
        specifically; and individuals           minority subjects,” he said. “With     program,” Cole said.
        who were more physically                the CHAMPP program, we have
        active during CHAMPP training           built relationships and trust. While   “I’m extremely proud that we have
        showed greater improvement in           there are challenges to recruiting     helped kids and seen them grow
        physical performance and body           minority participants and getting      and go on to graduate high school
        composition.                            consents, we’ve demonstrated           and start their adult lives,” said
                                                successful approaches, and that        Cameron Apt, Director of Athletic
        Ongoing research is essential:          there are many opportunities to do  Performance for UR Medicine.
        “Research is critical to this           research in this environment.”         “We can’t claim credit for all of
        endeavor so that we can learn                                                  that, but CHAMPP was part of
        more about the program’s                Cole’s early success is already        the supportive structure—family,
        efficacy, continue to improve our       yielding more opportunities for        school, community—for them
        offerings, and understand how           CHAMPP. His initial research           during high school.”
        this can be replicated elsewhere        generated sufficient preliminary
        to extend CHAMPP’s benefits             data to secure a $25,000 NIH P30       First-year CHAMPP graduates
        far beyond our community,”              pilot, and submit a $1,518,940 NIH     have finished high school and
        said Edward M. Schwarz, Ph.D.,          R01 grant entitled “Improving          begun college. And more recent
        Richard and Margaret Burton             Long-Term Activity Levels and          CHAMPP alumni are right behind
        Distinguished Professor of              Health Outcomes in At-Risk,            them: Deziree Garrick, an East
        Orthopaedics and Director of            Underrepresented Females” in           High softball player, will be the
        the Center for Musculoskeletal          October 2020. The project PI           first CHAMPP graduate accepted
        Research (CMSR).                        will be Katherine Rizzone, M.D.,       to the University of Rochester,
                                                M.P.H., Assistant Professor in         majoring in education.

                                                                          In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021  15
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