Page 16 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 16

and participants give students an      all Rochester City School District
                                                opportunity to develop positive        students. And it’s working to earn
                                                relationships between each other       additional grant support from
                                                and with their trainers. Guided by     non-governmental organizations.
                                                trainers, youths agree with their
                                                teammates on shared goals, and         Sustaining CHAMPP’s growth
                                                learn how to define success and        will put its creators closer to a
                                                track performance. More recently,      goal they wouldn’t even have
                                                community businesses have              set three years ago, but that
                                                offered their time and expertise       now seems very possible: seeing
             Deziree Garrick, first CHAMPP grad to   to CHAMPP participants, to great   its graduates finish college
                 enroll at University of Rochester.  effect. In February, Canandaigua   and return to CHAMPP—as

                                                National Bank hosted a virtual         instructors.
        Listening to client needs is            class on finance geared to             “The prospect of this program
        crucial to success. “You have to        young adults. The session was          thriving long enough to see
        meet these kids where they are,”        well attended and generated            former participants get their
        Apt said. “It was very eye-opening      enthusiastic questioning by            degrees and enable them to come
        to me; some of these kids coming        students; CNB will offer a second      back and work in a program they
        to CHAMPP had not eaten since           session in May on the importance       helped initiate will be even more
        breakfast two days earlier. Or          of investing. “By offering financial   fulfilling than watching them
        they missed a session because           wellness education to high             graduate from that very first
        they had a family responsibility;       schoolers, we’re setting them          CHAMPP class,” Cole said.
        they have a lot more on their           up to be successful adults,” said
        shoulders than many high school         Sam Guerreri, Executive Vice           “It will mean we have come full
        kids do.”                               President at CNB and Chair             circle.”

        When you have a hurdle, jump            of the Orthopaedic Advisory
        it—even one as tall as COVID.           Council (see p. 21). “I found it very
        “We were the first program to           rewarding to see the kids engaged          CHAMPP Stats
        allow in-person meetings to             and participating in the program.”         Since 2018:
        resume at East after the schools        Community partnerships and
        closed, and the COVID protocols         support are vital. Generous                7 sessions
        we put in place to screen students      funding from the William & Sheila
        and keep them masked and                Konar Foundation provided                  7 10-week CHAMPP
                                                                                           sessions completed
        socially distanced during training      essential start-up funding for
        have supported safety,” Cole said.      CHAMPP. “It’s been so rewarding            2 programs
        “We have not had one COVID case         to support such an important
        since we’ve conducted in-person         program and see it continue                2 lunch-and-learn
        sessions in December 2020. We           to grow,” said Howard Konar,               multi-week programs
        established a protocol for COVID        Trustee, William & Sheila Konar
        that East High School used              Foundation. “CHAMPP gives                  69 graduates
        when it re-convened in-person           these students the tools to be             CHAMPP participants who
        activities.”                            successful not only in athletics,          have graduated high school
        Life skills instruction adds            but in life.” The program is now           1 UR admit
        value. CHAMPP sessions have a           exploring opportunities with the           A CHAMPP graduate has been
        mentoring component: lunch-and-         City of Rochester to scale up the          admitted to the University of
        learn sessions between trainers         program to make it available to            Rochester for fall 2021

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