Page 13 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 13

M.P.H. (adult reconstructive
        surgery); David Ciufo, M.D.
        (foot and ankle); John Ginnetti,
        M.D. (adult reconstructive
        surgery); Kyle Judd, M.S., M.D.
        (orthopaedic trauma); Nathan
        Kaplan, M.D. (adult reconstructive
        surgery); Susan McDowell, M.D.
        (musculoskeletal tumor; general
        orthopaedic surgery); Peter
        Obourn, D.O. (non-operative sports
        medicine); Marc O’Donnell, M.D.
        (hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder
        surgery); and Sandeep Soin,
        M.D. (orthopaedic trauma). The             “   I’ve been on ski patrol for 30 years, so I know that
        department added complex spine             Thompson is experienced in caring for injured skiers.
        surgery, performed by Addisu               The care was stellar from beginning to end.           ”
        Mesfin, M.D., to the complement
        of services in early 2021.                 - Sue Haefner, left, after surgery; at right, following recovery, with husband Jim skiing in 2021.

        With nine orthopaedic surgeons,         “The injuries were so severe           “I am happy Susan has fully
        one primary care sports medicine        that the Emergency Department          recovered,” O’Donnell said. “Her
        physician and two physician             team set the fractures under           injuries were numerous and
        assistants, the UR Medicine             anesthesia,” Haefner said.             severe, and as a hand surgeon,
        Orthopaedics & Physical                                                        I frequently see these in skiers.
        Performance team serving                “They told me I would need             She required surgical fixation of
        Thompson offers inpatient               surgery to fully set and               four separate broken bones in
        surgical care at F.F. Thompson          stabilize the broken bones.            the hands and wrists, and had a
        Hospital and outpatient care at         They recommended Dr. Marc              phenomenal recovery with the
        7670 Omnitech Place in Victor,          O’Donnell from UR Medicine             help of the two certified hand
        N.Y. The Victor clinic includes         Orthopaedics. I got an                 therapists that practice through
        an orthopaedic urgent care              appointment to see him very            F.F. Thompson Hospital.”
        center with X-ray services on           quickly, and had surgery at
        site. Thompson offers physical          Thompson just two days after           Haefner liked the convenience
        therapy and rehabilitation at the       our first consultation.”               of emergency, surgical and post-
        Canandaigua hospital, and clinics       Haefner, who lives between             surgical care from one team.
        in Victor and Farmington, N.Y.
                                                Canandaigua and Rochester,             “I’ve been on ski patrol for 30
        The availability of experienced         liked the convenience of getting       years, so I know that Thompson
        orthopaedic surgeons at                 her physical therapy, as well as       is experienced in caring for
        Thompson was welcome news to            her post-operative appointments        injured skiers from Hunt Hollow
        Susan Haefner, who had fractures        with O’Donnell, in the Victor          and Bristol. Dr. O’Donnell and the
        in both hands and wrists after          facility. Since the surgery, she’s     OR team were also wonderful,
        a skiing fall at Hunt Hollow Ski        completely regained fine-motor         and I had great post-surgical care
        Club in Naples, N.Y., south of          skills in her hands—crucial for        from the physical therapists at
        Canandaigua. She immediately            her job as a nurse at a research       Omnitech Center in Victor. The
        went to F.F. Thompson Hospital          center, where her duties include       care was stellar from beginning
        for care.                               infusions and blood draws.             to end.”

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