Page 9 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
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very beginning: its focus on            Wehle Professor and Chair of the       meaningful progress. He created
        producing not only global-leading       Department of Orthopaedics.            interdisciplinary collaboration
        research, but also on developing                                               within the Department of
        future generations of research          “We are very proud of our legacy,”     Orthopaedics and with other
        leaders.                                said Edward M. Schwarz, Ph.D.,         departments and centers. He took
                                                Richard and Margaret Burton            a team science approach before it
        CMSR celebrated its 20th                Distinguished Professor of             became popular, and it’s been the
        anniversary in November with a          Orthopaedics and Director of           secret of our success.”
        virtual gathering that recognized       the Center for Musculoskeletal
        its founding director, Randy            Research. “The collegiality            Looking back at CMSR’s many
        Rosier, M.D., Ph.D. Since CMSR          amongst us is a tremendous             achievements, Schwarz focused
        began in July 2000, it has been on      advantage over our competitors         on the impact it has had outside
        a path of steady and impressive         at peer institutions. The culture      the laboratory.
        progress: from a small handful          of CMSR, as much as anything
        of mostly clinical faculty, to 77       else that Randy gifted to us,          “There are many ways to evaluate
        investigators and 126 pre- and          has enabled us to achieve the          the success and impact of what
        post-doctoral trainees. From            prominence that we have.”              CMSR does, and one of those
        self-financing by the University                                               is philanthropy,” Schwarz said.
        of Rochester, to more than $30          Rubery and Schwarz noted the           “Charles Courtsal, M.D., and
        million in extramural funding           importance of early, prescient         his wife, Lisa Gwinner, who
        as one of the top NIH-funded            decisions Rosier made to think         recently donated $25,000 to
        musculoskeletal centers in the          beyond traditional orthopaedics        support osteoarthritis research
        nation. From an unknown on the          research.                              in Dr. Jennifer Jonason’s lab in
        academic research landscape,            “In 2000, CMSR was all                 CMSR, believe in and support
        to a powerhouse that published          orthopaedics-biomechanics              our mission. Dr. Courtsal, a
        more than 250 peer-reviewed             focused—a ‘bone bending- and           Professor of Clinical Medicine
        publications in 2020.                   breaking-lab’,” Schwarz noted.         in Primary Care at URMC, first
                                                                                       came to Rochester as a medical
                                                “When the center started, it didn’t
        “For two decades, CMSR has                                                     student in 1985. Lisa worked
        been the crown jewel of our             have biomedical engineers. Randy       in the lab of Sheila Mundorf at
        department and we’re continually        carefully built CMSR’s physical        the Eastman Dental Center for
        energized by the center’s ongoing       infrastructure to get it ready         more than a decade. As Lisa’s
        growth and evolution,” said Paul        for that all-important step of         severe osteoarthritis leads to
        T. Rubery, M.D., Marjorie Strong        integrating cellular and molecular     progressive disability, they sought
                                                science into our work.”
                                                                                       out Dr. Jonason in order to make
                                                Another cornerstone of CMSR’s          a difference with basic research
                                                success: partnerships with             locally.”
                                                clinicians and researchers from        “I’m also particularly proud of our
                                                other disciplines.
                                                                                       role in developing future leaders
                                                 “Very early on, Dr. Rosier            in the field of musculoskeletal
                                                developed numerous                     research,” Schwarz added. “A
                                                collaborations across clinical         number of chairs in orthopaedics
                                                and research departments               began their careers in our
                                                that continue to this day,”            program—most recently, Susan
                                                Rubery said. “Biochemistry,            Bukata, M.D., was named Chair of
                                                biophysics, endocrinology—             Orthopaedics for the University
                       Randy Rosier, M.D., Ph.D.  all have been vital to CMSR’s        of California at San Diego.” Other

                                                                          In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021  9
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