Page 14 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 14

A CHAMPP graduation: East High students celebrate with program
                                                                 leaders Calvin Cole, far left, and Zachary Ferrara, far right, and
                                                                      Cameron Apt, second from right. Photo taken pre-COVID.

        CHAMPP training preps students for

        lifelong health, academic success

        Two Department of Orthopaedics          and addressing them before they        their trainees: work through the
        physical performance programs           lead to a medical event:               challenges, adapt, and keep going.
        have made steady progress since
        they were founded about three           “As a sports medicine surgeon I        Center for Human Athleticism
                                                                                       & Musculoskeletal
        years ago, and even COVID               have treated many individuals          Performance & Prevention
        shutdowns couldn’t slow them            who might have avoided injury          (CHAMPP) Urban Outreach
        down for long.                          with the right preventive
                                                measures. And I’ve seen too            Initiative
        CHAMPP Urban Outreach and UR            many gifted scholastic athletes        CHAMPP trainers offer injury
        Fitness Science serve different         miss educational or athletic           risk assessment, physical
        patient populations, but share a        opportunities because they didn’t      conditioning, mentoring
        core belief that keeping people         have the academic preparation          and academic support to
        healthy is about more than              and life skills to navigate the        socioeconomically disadvantaged
        physical conditioning and medical       challenges of young adulthood.         scholastic male and female
        care. Their founders believe                                                   athletes in Rochester. Initially
        helping athletes—or anyone—             “The goal in developing Fitness        offered at the Penfield YMCA
        improve lifestyle habits, nutrition,    Science and CHAMPP Urban               when the program launched in
        and mindset can yield long-term         Outreach was to provide                2018, its 10-week training sessions
        health benefits, and they’ve            individualized support and             are now based at East High
        already published two peer-             training so people can become          School, part of the Rochester City
        reviewed papers that prove it.          stronger not just physically, but
                                                mentally, academically, and            School District.
        Michael Maloney, M.D., Professor        socially, too.”                        Some highlights and lessons
        of Orthopaedics and chief of                                                   learned:
        the Sports Medicine division,           Both programs feature in-person
        explained the philosophy of the         training; when they faced a            The approach works. Calvin
        programs he originated, which           significant barrier during COVID,      Cole, Ph.D., Research Assistant
        focus on identifying health risks       they practiced what they teach         Professor in Orthopaedics

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