Page 19 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
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to show that higher complications       In January 2020, neurosurgeon           but Mesfin had brought his from
        and mortality are associated            Abraham Gebremedihen, who               the U.S. and teamed up on the
        with low-volume hospitals and           practices in Addis Ababa,               case in the OR.
        surgeons operating on patients          Ethiopia, traveled to URMC as
        with metastatic spine disease.          part of a North American Spine          “It was a privilege to operate with
        It strengthens the argument             Society (NASS) fellowship to            Dr. Mesfin,” Gebremedihen said.
        for establishing a center of            learn from URMC surgeons,               In a country where physical labor
        excellence in Rochester to sustain      residents and fellows—and               is the only livelihood open to so
        high volumes of patients for such       to teach them his experience            many, Gebremedihen said, the
        specialized procedures.                 offering surgery in a challenging       patient “wouldn’t have lived long
                                                environment where resources             with those disabilities. The last
        International outreach:                 are scarce.                             time I saw him was three months
        Mesfin has been awarded four                                                    after surgery, and he was walking
        competitive traveling fellowships,      In two weeks, Gebremedihen saw          to work. I will always remember
        where he had the opportunity to         “much more than I expected—             that moment.”
        observe advanced approaches             minimally invasive procedures,
        from world-leading spine                microsurgery, spine fixation            While Gebremedihen was in
        surgeons as well as sharing his         techniques, and spine injections        Rochester, one of Mesfin’s
        research and experience. That           for pain management.”                   orthopaedics chief residents
        knowledge informs his work                                                      was at his hospital in Ethiopia to
        with patients and residents, and        He recounted Mesfin’s visit to          complete an elective as part of his
        has fostered ongoing research           Ethiopia the prior year and a           surgical training.
        projects with colleagues around         case they worked on together. A         “The world is getting smaller,”
        the world. Mesfin is one of five        young man in his 20s suffered a         Mesfin said. “The more we
        surgeons in the world awarded           fracture dislocation of a spine         collaborate and expose our
        a spot in the 2021 American             after a horse and cart rolled over      international colleagues to what
        Orthopaedic Association’s ABC           on him; facing the prospect of          we are doing here, the better. It’s
        (American-British-Canadian)             paraplegia, he was transported          a good way to build our expertise
        traveling fellowship. The ABC is        125 miles for care, by cart. The        and share the expertise of the
        the premier fellowship available        hospital in Addis Ababa didn’t          University of Rochester.”
        to orthopaedic surgeons, and            have the necessary instruments,
        many chairs and orthopaedic
        society presidents are counted
        among its alumni. The month-
        long fellowship tour, postponed                                                 “  The world is getting
        due to COVID, will take place in                                                smaller. The more we
        spring 2022.
                                                                                        collaborate and expose our
        Global medical/cultural                                                         international colleagues to
        exchanges: Mesfin has traveled
        to Ethiopia three times in recent                                               what we are doing here,
        years as a visiting surgeon,                                                    the better. It’s a good way
        bringing his skills to a nation                                                 to build our expertise and
        where spine surgeons face                                                       share the expertise of the
        significant challenges. There
        are very few of them serving                                                    University of Rochester.    ”
        millions of patients across a wide                                              Addisu Mesfin, M.D.
        geographic area.

                                                                          In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021  19
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