Page 20 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 20

Tuckers establish orthopaedic research professorship

                                                                                        global leader in musculoskeletal
                                                “  We support the Center for            health, Karen serves as an

                                                Musculoskeletal Research                inaugural member on the newly
                                                                                        created Orthopaedics Advisory
                                                because we have personally              Council, and has participated in

                                                benefited from their incredible         multiple initiatives in support
                                                research. We are determined             of orthopaedics.
                                                to help researchers find the
                                                cures that will ease pain and           Karen graduated in 1973 from the
                                                                                        University of Rochester. During
                                                restore mobility for others in          her 27 years at Bausch & Lomb,
                                                                  ”                     she held numerous leadership
                                                our community.
                                                Karen and Neil Tucker                   positions in research and
                                                                                        development; international and
                                                                                        domestic marketing; and sales in
                                                                                        the soft contact lens division.
        Neil and Karen Jonasse Tucker           giving—with a significant gift
        ’73, active advocates for               for arthritis research. In 2017,       Neil worked for Kodak after a
        musculoskeletal research, have          they established the Neil and          brief service in the Navy. After
        made a generous gift to establish       Karen Jonasse Tucker Research          leaving Kodak, he founded Tucker
        the Neil and Karen Jonasse              Endowment to support CMSR in           Printers which was later sold to
        Tucker Endowed Professorship            their lifetime.                        RR Donnelley. He also founded
        in Orthopaedic Research. The                                                   Concorde Archives, a record
        professorship will support a            The Tuckers feel strongly that the     storage company, which he sold
        research faculty member with            community needs to be aware            to Iron Mountain. He later worked
        a primary appointment in the            of the importance of supporting        as a real estate developer
        Department of Orthopaedics.             research. To help further position     before retiring.
                                                the Department as a regional and
        In October 2019, orthopaedics
        faculty, donors, and friends
        gathered at Rochester’s Genesee
        Valley Club to celebrate the gift
        and thank the Tuckers for
        their generosity.

        Longtime philanthropists, the
        Tuckers have supported the
        University of Rochester Medical
        Center for more than 32 years.
        In 2013, upon learning about
        the Center for Musculoskeletal
        Research (CMSR), they began                                                                  Photo taken pre-COVID.
        directing their giving to                Pictured with Neil and Karen, from left: Edward Schwarz, Ph.D., Richard and Margaret Burton
        orthopaedics, and joined the              Distinguished Professor in Orthopaedics and Director, Center for Musculoskeletal Research,
        Wilson Society—a University                 Mark Taubman, M.D., CEO, University of Rochester Medical Center, and Paul Rubery, M.D.,
        group that celebrates planned               Marjorie Strong Wehle Professor in Orthopaedics and Chair, Department of Orthopaedics.

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