Page 17 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 17

Fitness Science captures potential of data analytics,

        mindset for next-level performance training

        Like the athletes it trains, Fitness    Team-based training has
        Science reacted to a changing           resumed at the local client high
        playing field during COVID by           schools in Rochester (East High
        adjusting its strategy. Changing        School), Webster, Fairport, and
        the game plan opened up lanes to        Spencerport, as well as the
        new opportunities.                      University of Rochester.

        The program, launched in January        As consumers signal a newfound
        2019, helps athletes reach their        appreciation and preference
        potential by integrating physical       for online workouts, Fitness
        conditioning, nutrition, sport          Science has developed virtual
        psychology and data analysis.           training packages for individuals
        Data the program collects on            and teams. And it’s offering a
        all participants shows overall          customized performance program
        improvement in clients’ strength,       for athletes or active people of
        power, speed and agility, and           any age to train and reclaim their
        energy system demand during             athleticism after an injury.
        activity.                                                                               Cameron Apt, ATC, CSCS, USAW,
                                                COVID created challenges                 Director of Athletic Performance Services
        The Sports Medicine service             along with new ways for Fitness                 for UR Medicine Fitness Science
        initially offered group and             Science to demonstrate the value
        individual sessions tailored to         of its unique approach. One            “Fitness Science encompasses all
        individual participant needs,           notable client: Rochester native       the expertise at the University of
        with high school and collegiate         and then-NBA prospect Isaiah           Rochester – all we know about
        athletes as its primary client          Stewart, who sought the service        musculoskeletal health, data
        base. When COVID forced                 when COVID restrictions made           analysis, sports conditioning
        school closures and training            traditional training unavailable.      and training, nutrition and
        center shutdowns throughout                                                    mindset,” said Mike Maloney,
        the community, Fitness Science          Stewart was at the most critical       M.D., Professor of Orthopaedics
        quickly moved daily workouts            career point of his life: NBA          and founder of Fitness Science.
        online.                                 combines and team interviews           “We’re very proud of the progress
                                                that would define his professional     our program has made but more
        As COVID rates declined, Fitness        future. He described his training      importantly, the progress we’ve
        Science has resumed individual,         with Director of Athletic              seen athletes make through our
        in-person training at its locations     Performance Cameron Apt as             comprehensive approach.
        while adhering to COVID safety          extremely helpful to his NBA
        guidelines for masking and social       preparation. Weeks after his           “We’re gratified to see how well
        distancing. It recently added           Fitness Science sessions, Stewart      the program works for everyone,
        Omniplex Center in Victor, N.Y.         excelled in the combines and his       from elite athletes to people
        as a training site, along with the      draft number—16th—was the              of any age who want to safely
        UR Medicine clinic in nearby            start of a great rookie year with      recover from an injury and regain
        Penfield.                               the Detroit Pistons.                   their mobility and full function.”

                                                                          In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021  17
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