Page 12 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 12

The Department of Orthopaedics          UR Medicine orthopaedic                The UR Medicine orthopaedic
        has partnered with UR Medicine          specialists also expanded the          surgeons are all fellowship-
        affiliate F.F. Thompson Hospital        range of inpatient and outpatient      trained; their additional training
        in Canandaigua to offer more            orthopaedic care in Canandaigua        in an orthopaedic sub-specialty
        convenient access to specialized        and Victor.                            after residency ensures access to
        orthopaedic surgery and clinical                                               the latest developments in
        care for patients south of              “We are excited to collaborate         the field.
        Rochester and in the Southern           with top-level orthopaedic
        Tier.                                   professionals who enable us to         “These physicians and surgeons
                                                manage the more complex cases          have achieved the highest level
        UR Medicine Orthopaedics                right here in Canandaigua,”            of training possible within our
        has handled all emergency               said President/CEO Michael F.          field, and have been specifically
        department orthopaedic care at          Stapleton, Jr.                         recruited by the university to
        Thompson since the beginning                                                   provide our region with the latest
        of 2020, improving timely access        “Our orthopaedic patients are          techniques, surgical innovations
        to orthopaedic trauma services          offered a full continuum of            and superior patient-centered
        and decreasing the number of            services by our health system,”        care,” said Dr. Paul T. Rubery, the
        unnecessary patient transfers to        Stapleton added. “Patients can         Marjorie Strong Wehle Professor
        Rochester. In September 2020,           be assessed, diagnosed, undergo        of Orthopaedics and Chairman of
        department faculty in a number of       surgery and complete their             the Department of Orthopaedics
        specialties began offering surgical     rehabilitation, all with Thompson      at the University of Rochester.
        and non-surgical care, expanding        Health and all under a shared
        the breadth of orthopaedic              medical record system that allows      Faculty who treat patients in
        care offered at Thompson.               our teams 360° visibility into our     Canandaigua as well as Rochester
                                                patients’ care.”                       are: Rishi Balkissoon, M.D.,

                                                                         Kyle Judd, M.S., M.D., and Susan McDowell, M.D.

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