Page 6 - In Motion - Spring 2021 Volume 17 | UR Medicine
P. 6

Additionally, the campus will              UR Medicine Orthopaedics has
        have a motion capture lab, where           become a regional destination for
        Orthopaedics providers will go far         specialized care, attracting patients
        beyond traditional gait analysis by        from throughout Western New York,
        using advanced movement capture            Pennsylvania and New England.
        technology to study whole-body
        mechanics and apply what they learn        “With this project we are creating a
        in research and clinical care.             center that will be the largest and
                                                   most comprehensive in the Northeast,”
        The department will retain its “hub        Rubery said. “It builds on URMC’s goals
        and spoke” approach to regional            to be the region’s provider of choice
        service—one large outpatient facility      and then some. The center will also
        near Rochester for specialized care,       support our department’s efforts to
        and an array of outpatient offices to      continue recruiting top-caliber faculty,
        provide convenient, close-to-home          residents, fellows and researchers to the
        access to our patients throughout          department.”
        the region.
                                                   The 140,000 square foot surgery and
        “We placed these satellite outpatient      procedure center is slated to open in
        offices in areas where we have large       late 2022, along with physical therapy
        numbers of patients and where              facilities and CHAMPP. These facilities
        we wanted presence and visibility          will be built within the existing mall
        to ensure patients easy access to          structure; construction on the new-build
        care,” Rubery said. “Our faculty           patient tower begins in mid-2021 and
        will continue to spend part of their       will complete the project when it opens
        clinical time seeing patients at these     in late 2023.

            Specialized surgical
            facilities: Dedicated to
            orthopaedic surgeries and
            procedures, the ambulatory
            surgery center will include
            eight operating rooms upon
            opening, and short-stay
            recovery rooms.

     6  In Motion  |  UR Medicine Orthopaedics &  Physical Performance  |  Spring 2021
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