Transparent Assignment Design Fellowship

The Transparent Assignment Design Fellowship supports instructors teaching AS&E students in transitioning their non-test assignments using the principles of transparent assignment design. Fellows meet over the course of one semester to learn the principles of transparent assignment design, transition their assignments, and workshop their assignments with their peers and enjoy ongoing support from Teaching Center staff. The fellowship carries a $500 non-salary stipend for instructors to cover expenses related to their teaching and research.

To apply for the fellowship, please complete the online application form. You will be asked: the name of the course you would like to work on as part of the fellowship, and to provide a brief description (no more than 250 words) of the assignment(s) you would like to develop with the support of the fellowship. Fellowships are awarded on a rolling basis, but we recommend that applicants interested in joining the Spring 2024 cohort apply by January 12.

Transparent assignment design has been shown to improve student performance, particularly for first-generation students. In one UNLV study, students who took a course containing just two transparently-designed assignments in one first-year course were retained at rates close to 15 percent higher after both one and two years than were their peers who did not take courses with transparently-designed assignments.

Instructors who would like to explore more about transparent assignment design on their own can consult: