Graduate Teaching Workshop

Are My Students Getting It?: Simple Classroom Strategies

When teaching new course content, it is important to check in with students to see if they are understanding. This workshop is for graduate students and postdocs interested in further developing their teaching and introduces simple, real-time strategies that you can use in the classroom to know what students have learned and if they are grasping the content.

July 24, 2024
1-2 p.m. EST
 on Zoom

Register Online

Classroom TAs

Classroom teaching assistants (TAs) play a vital role in the learning processes of their students. The Classroom TAs page includes useful information on:

  • Preparing for class
  • Teaching and assisting a class
  • Assignments
  • After class

Laboratory TAs

Laboratory assistants are responsible for developing student's scientific proficiency. This covers a range of skills, from ensuring that students have a grasp of the work to be done, to introducing them to basic laboratory and safety skills, to supporting students through their experiments and helping them deliver a laboratory report.

The Laboratory TAs page includes information on:

  • Crucial questions to review with students
  • Preparing for class
  • Running a lab

GTA Coaches Program

The Teaching Center partners with Arts, Sciences & Engineering Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (AS&E GEPA) to train all first-time graduate teaching assistants (GTAs). The GTA Coaches Program uses a train-the-trainer model in which AS&E GEPA hires and the Teaching Center trains experienced GTAs to deliver the GTA orientation for first-time GTAs described below. GTA trainers are self-nominated and nominated by a wide range of academic departments.

GTA Orientation

GTA Orientation is offered each fall and spring before the first day of classes as part of AS&E GEPA’s Graduate Student Orientation and is designed to prepare first-time GTAs for success leading instructional activities both in and outside of classroom and laboratory setting. Participating students will be notified by their departments and programs.

GTA Cafés

The Teaching Center also provides ongoing support for and professional development of GTAs through peer-led GTA Cafés. GTA Cafés provide graduate TAs an opportunity to talk about successes and challenges of working as a GTA, learn from experienced GTAs, and meet graduate students from across AS&E.


These frequently asked questions were compiled by TAs at a previous TA training workshop and cover the following topics:

  • Academic honesty
  • Assessment
  • Classroom
  • Pedagogy
  • Students
  • TA employment issues