Teaching Consultations
One-On-One Teaching Consultations
Teaching Center teaching consultants are available upon request for confidential one-on-one consultations on all aspects of teaching, including course design, in-class activities, assignment design, evaluation of student work, course assessment, and the management of challenging interactions with and among students.
Teaching Observations
Upon the request of the instructor, a teaching consultant can observe classes and other instructional activities and subsequently provide both written and oral feedback.
See the teaching observations page for more information.
Mid-Semester Evaluations
A teaching consultant can design, administer, and interpret a paper-based survey at the mid-semester mark that captures students’ learning experience. The timing of the survey allows the instructor to adapt course materials and teaching methods in light of student feedback. Students are typically very responsive to these evaluations.
The Teaching Center maintains confidentiality for both participation and results. A mid-semester evaluation can be arranged by contacting the Teaching Center a week in advance of its proposed administration date.
See the mid-semester evaluation page for additional information.