Page 13 - 2019-2020 Endowment Report | University of Rochester
P. 13

She has also provided technical assistance to improve health
               programs, surveillance, and systems in infectious disease
               primarily for HIV testing and care.

               Leblanc’s previous experience and doctoral dissertation work
               provided a bridge to her current research. “It was through
               public health that I came to nursing,” says Leblanc. “My
               doctoral work gave me an opportunity to connect public
               health needs to clinical practice and to specifically address
               health care equity and disparity issues related to HIV.”              Harriet J. Kitzman

               Leblanc’s current work focuses on combination HIV                     “Making life better for
               prevention and couple-centered approaches in HIV/STIs                 others was always my
               among health care providers, populations of color, and people
               with a variety of sexual orientations. She also investigates          mother’s priority and
               ecological factors on sexual health and wellness.                     brought her the greatest

                                                                                     joy. She focused that
               “Improving population health means offering holistic care and
               prevention strategies,” she adds. “Health care providers must         passion on helping those
               treat, advise, and support the person with the disease, and           in our community who
               they must also involve that person’s partner or partners and          needed it the most, so she
               family. Nurses play such a vital role in this process.”
                                                                                     set up this fund to support

               Leblanc is both humbled and honored to have been awarded              research that would
                                                                                     improve their lives.ˮ
               the Kitzman Fellowship. Kitzman was a leader in nursing
               research, specifically in creating the evidence for the Nurse-
               Family Partnership—a home-based, preventive intervention
               for young families. Leblanc had not learned Kitzman was the           HEATHER PAWLOWSKI ’93S (MBA)
               anonymous donor until her passing earlier this year.

               “Dr. Kitzman was a nurse pioneer whose
               research benefited the underserved,”

               she says. “My goals are like hers—I want
               to ask important questions, address
               challenging problems, serve more
               people, and close the all-too-many

               health care gaps that currently exist.”

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