Page 15 - 2019-2020 Endowment Report | University of Rochester
P. 15

“Teaching is my calling and it’s in my blood,” she says. “I just
               can’t imagine doing anything else.”

               That love of teaching is what led Czubinski to Warner to
               pursue a master’s in education, specializing in TESOL. She
               didn’t waste any time either—after graduating from SUNY
               Binghamton in May 2020, she immediately began taking
               classes at Warner. She’s on a fast track to earn her degree in
               the spring 2021.
                                                                                     Dan Fichtner and Ray Rand
               Czubinski’s Warner experience—like that of many students—
               is a bit different this year. Because of COVID-19, everything         “Anna Grum and her
               has gone virtual. Right now, she’s student teaching at the            brother John were
               Children’s School of Rochester (School #15), in a Zoom-based
               kindergarten classroom.                                               extremely interested
                                                                                     in education, and they
               “When I see all these young faces on                                  instilled in me a love for
               the screen and they smile and ask,                                    learning. I have attempted

               ‘can we do it again’ I light up inside
               and I know they are getting it,” she says.                            to do the same in my 38
               “And, when they understand a concept,                                 years of teaching, and
               their attitudes shift, and their smiles get                           Ray and I wish to pay it

               bigger—I just love that.”                                             forward in our small way.

                                                                                     This scholarship will help
               Czubinski wants to be “that” teacher for her students. She
               strives to provide a rich learning environment that is also           teachers like Hayly, who
               safe and supportive. “With my dad gone so much when I was             will lead the way for the
               a kid, sometimes I would go to school and just be sad,” she           next generation.ˮ
               says, noting that everyone has outside factors that can affect
               their learning. “I feel like I can relate to young people and I
               understand when they need a smile along with more guidance            DAN FICHTNER ’67W (MA)
               and recognition.”

               Regarding her scholarship, Czubinski hopes to pay it forward
               someday. “This support has made my life better,” she adds.
               “And, that’s what I want for my students: to make a difference
               in their lives every day.”

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