Page 19 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 19

Harriet Seelye Rhees’ Scallop Stew – A Maine Supper Dish

                                                    (circa 1949)

                                Submitted by River Campus Libraries

                 INGREDIENTS                                 DIRECTIONS
                 Prep Time: 15 mins                          1.    Cover scallops with salted boiling
                 Cook Time: 3 mins                                 water and set on back of stove
                 Serves: 4                                         without boiling for 3 minutes.
                 1 quart scallops                            2.    Add milk, pepper, and butter.
                 2 quarts creamy milk                        3.    Serve hot.
                 ¼  lb butter

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