Page 16 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 16

Baba’s Pierogi Dough

                             Submitted by Cory (Carpenter) Dagen ’03

         INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS
         Prep Time: 20 mins, plus rest time                  1.    Mix together the flour and salt.
         Cook Time: None                                     2.    Add the eggs, sour cream, and oil and
         Serves: 1 batch                                           combine.
         3 cups flour                                        3.    Add water a little at a time, kneading until
         1/2 cup lukewarm water                                    dough comes together (will still be quite
         3 eggs                                                    moist).
         2 T vegetable oil                                   4.    Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at
         1 t salt                                                  least 30 minutes.
         1 T sour cream                                      5.    Roll out to 1/8 inch thick, cut into 2 inch
                                                                   circles or squares.
                                                             6.    Fill with your choice of filling -- We always
                                                                   had potato and cheese, cabbage, and
                                                                   lekvar (prune filling).
                                                             7.    Wet the edge and pinch to seal -- or better
                                                                   yet, set up an assembly line of pierogi
                                                                   pinchers and put them to work!
                                                             8.    Boil in salted water until pierogis float, then
                                                                   transfer to sauté pan with more butter than
                                                                   is wise and onions to finish.

                     “My Baba’s kitchen was always a hub of activity and conversation for
                     our family, and it often doubled as a production facility for hundreds
                     of pierogi, halupki, nut rolls, and other delicious tastes of home that
                     she shared with family, friends, and her church. We celebrated
                     Orthodox Christmas on January 7 every year at Baba’s house with
                     the big extended family, which was great as a kid because we’d get to
                     “skip school” and have a second Christmas!”

                                                                                        Ho lid a y  R e c ip e s
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