Page 12 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 12

Meltaway Bars

                                        Submitted by Emily Hart ’12

         INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS
         Prep Time: 20 mins, plus rest time                  1.    Preheat oven to 350 F
         Cook Time: 25 – 30 mins                             2.    Combine butter, sugar, egg yolk, vanilla,
         Serves: about 50                                          flour, and ½ cup of the nuts, and blend
         1 cup soft butter                                         well.
         1 cup granulated sugar                              3.    Spread in ungreased 15×10 inch cookie
         1 egg, separated                                          sheet.
         1 t vanilla                                         4.    Beat egg white until frothy.
         2 cups flour                                        5.    Spread over bars.
         1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans                     6.    Sprinkle with ½ cup nuts and colored
         Colored sugar                                             sugar.
                                                             7.    Bake at 350 degrees for 25 – 30 minutes
                                                                   until golden brown.
                                                             8.    Cool slightly and cut into bars using a
                                                                   sharp knife. Freezes well!

                                                             “Each year, I made cookies with my sister
                                                             and grandma around the holidays. Somehow
                                                             we pumped out over 12 different varieties
                                                             each year in her tiny kitchen. We lost my
                                                             grandma on January 3, 2020, but we will
                                                             continue to make these and many other
                                                             cookies to honor her for many years and
                                                             generations to come.”

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