Page 11 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 11

Kentucky-Style Chicken & Dumplings

                     Submitted by John Pershing ’10 & Kate Pershing ’11

      INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS

      Prep Time: 20-30 mins                               1. Boil chicken breasts with bouillon and any dried
      Cook Time: 15 mins                                      herbs you like (we like tarragon, but feel free to
      Serves: 8                                               play around). Let the chicken and herbs boil until
      2 large chicken breasts                                 cooked through, approximately 30 minutes.
      1 cup self-rising flour                             2. Bring the broth to a boil in a separate pot.
      1 cup all-purpose flour                             3. Knead flour, butter, eggs, and milk in a mixing
      1 tbsp softened butter                                  bowl.
      2 eggs                                              4. Split the dough in half and roll it out thin on a
      1/2 cup milk                                            lightly floured surface.
      4-6 cups chicken broth                              5. Using a pizza cutter or knife, cut dough into small
                                                              squares, about one inch on a side.
                                                          6. Repeat the rolling and cutting with the remaining
      “This is a recipe that is very special to               dough.
      our family. We make it at every family              7. Drop dough squares into boiling broth and cook
      gathering and special event. These                      until done, between 10 and 15 minutes.
      dumplings outshine the turkey on the                    depending on how thick your squares are.
      Thanksgiving table every year!”                     8. Shred and add chicken breasts to dumplings.

                                                              Note: If making these at Thanksgiving, use the
                                                              juice from the cooked turkey in your broth to really
                                                              kick it up a notch!

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