Page 14 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 14

Mom’s Garbage Bread

                       Submitted by Courtney Astemborski ’14, ’15 (MS)

         INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS
         Prep Time: 15 mins                                  1.    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
         Cook Time: 25 mins                                  2.    Roll out pizza dough into a large oval.
         Serves: 8                                           3.    In the middle of the oval, layer the
         Pizza dough                                               pepperoni in line down the middle.
         1/2 lb Genoa salami                                 4.    Sprinkle half of the cheese over the
         1/2 lb slicing pepperoni                                  pepperoni.
         16 ounces mozzarella cheese                         5.    Fold 1/2 the pizza dough over the
         Olive oil                                                 pepperoni and cheese.
         All purpose flour                                   6.    On top of the dough, over the pepperoni
                                                                   and cheese, layer the salami.
                                                             7.    Cover salami with remaining cheese.
                                                             8.    Fold the other 1/2 of the dough over the
                                                                   salami and cheese layer to close the
                                                             9.    Transfer the bread to a cookie sheet
                                                                   brushed with olive oil.
                                                             10. Brush top of bread with olive oil and cut 3
                                                                   to 4 slits into the top of the bread to let out
                                                                   air during baking.
                                                             11. Bake for 25 minutes.

                  “My mother always made this for Thanksgiving and Christmas but a few
                  years ago, my sister and I took over the task of making this appetizer for the

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