Page 18 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 18

Italian Ricotta Cheese Cookies

                             Submitted by Erika (Dercautan) Illiano ’97

         INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS
         Prep Time: 20 mins                                  1.    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
         Cook Time: 15 – 20 mins                             2.    In a stand mixer, beat sugar and butter on
         Serves: 64 cookies                                        medium speed until blended (it will take a
         2 cups sugar                                              few minutes to get light and fluffy).
         1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened          3.    Add baking powder and salt, then add flour
         15 ounces whole milk ricotta cheese                       one cup at a time and continue mixing until
         2 t vanilla extract                                       dough forms between adding each cup of
         2 large eggs                                              flour.
         4 cups all-purpose flour                            4.    Drop dough by level tablespoons, about 2
         2 T baking powder                                         inches apart, onto ungreased large cookie
         1 t salt                                                  sheet.
                                                             5.    Bake about 15 minutes or until cookies are
         Icing Ingredients:                                        lightly golden brown on top.
         1 1/2 cups of confectioner's sugar                  6.    Place on rack to cool for at least 15
         Lemon extract                                             minutes.
         Whole milk                                          7.    Make icing by taking 1 1/2 cups
                                                                   confectioner's sugar and adding lemon
                                                             8.    Start to whisk together and then slowly add
                                                                   milk until you reach desired consistency
                                                                   and taste (not too runny, and not too
                                                             9.    Drop icing on cookies, and then leave to
                                                                   harden for at least 30 minutes.

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