Page 15 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 15

Peanut Butter Balls (“Buckeyes”)

                                       Submitted by Eleanor Oi ’13S

             INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS
             Prep Time: 30 - 45 mins                             1.   Mix butter/margarine with powdered sugar
             Cook Time: None                                          and peanut butter until well blended, then
             Serves: about 4 dozen                                    add Rice Krispies and mix.
             1/2 cup margarine or butter (room temperature) 2.        Form into balls that are about the size of a
             2 cup powdered sugar                                     walnut or around 1-2 tablespoons worth.
             1 cup peanut butter                                      Put on a cookie sheet or flat and freeze for
             2 cups Rice Krispies                                     about 10 min.
             2 cups chocolate chips                              3.   Over a double boiler or in a bowl in the
             2 T shortening                                           microwave, melt chocolate chips and mix
                                                                      in the shortening once it is melted. (If you
                                                                      use a microwave, you may need to keep
           “These were a family favorite of my                        putting it back in the microwave to keep it
           husband.  We do this as a family event                     liquid. In the microwave, melt 30 seconds
           and everyone has their part to get                         at a time, stirring after each 30 sec.).
           them made. It is an assembly line                     4.   Remove peanut butter balls from freezer,
           around cookie day as we usually                            dip in chocolate until covered, and put on
                                                                      cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
           make them 5 batches at a time! They                        so that they are not touching.
           mean the holidays have arrived and                    5.   Put back in fridge or freezer until hardened.
           that we can bring all of our favorite                      You can then put them in a baggie and

           things together in one cookie!”                            freeze or keep in the fridge forever!

                                                                                        Ho lid a y  R e c ip e s
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