Page 2 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 2

Maya’s Apple Cake

                            Submitted by Jodi (Rubtchinsky) Smith ’90

      INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS

      Prep Time: 20 mins                                  1.   Preheat oven to 350 F.
      Cook Time: 35 mins                                  2.   Lightly grease and flour a 9 x 13 cake pan (or 2
      Serves: 8                                                rounds).
      2 eggs                                              3.   Beat eggs, butter, and oil together first, then add
      ½ cup butter (softened or melted)                        all other ingredients, except the apples, and mix
      ½ cup vegetable oil                                      well.
      1 cup white sugar                                   4.   Add the diced apples and stir to incorporate.
      1 cup brown sugar                                   5.   Pour into pan and bake for 30 - 40 minutes.
      2 cups all purpose flour                            6.   Cool in pan for 10 minutes before serving.
      2 t cinnamon
      1 t nutmeg or all spice
      1 t baking soda
      1 t vanilla extract
      4 cups diced apples (with or without peel)

                                                          “A few years ago, after a very bountiful apple
                                                          picking expedition, I was chatting with my sister.
                                                          She, along with her husband and four children,
                                                          had recently moved to the other side of the planet
                                                          and I was missing her terribly.  While she listed
                                                          off the uses of extra apples (apple sauce, apple
                                                          pies, baked apples, apple butter…), my 12 year
                                                          old niece wandered by the conversation and
                                                          added to her mother’s list shouting out, ‘apple
                                                          cake.’  My sister put my niece, Maya, on the
                                                          phone so that she could share the recipe with
                                                          me. That fall, making Maya’s super easy apple
                                                          cake, made me feel closer to my niece. Every fall
                                                          since then, when we return from apple picking, I
                                                          make Maya’s apple cake and think of her.”

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