Page 3 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 3

Homemade Applesauce

                                   Submitted by Karen L. Emaus ’93

             INGREDIENTS                                       DIRECTIONS

             Prep Time: 30                                     1.    Peel and core apples, cut each into 8
             Cook Time: 20                                           pieces, put in 4 qt size pan.
             Serves: 6                                         2.    Add the apple cider or apple juice.
             8 McIntosh apples                                 3.    Bring apples to a boil and then turn down
             8 Honeycrisp apples                                     to medium until apples are soft and can be
             ¼ - ½ cup sugar                                         mashed. It is OK to leave some chunks.
             1 cup apple cider (or apple juice)                4.    Remove from heat, add 1/4 - 1/2 cup sugar
             Cinnamon                                                (to taste).
                                                               5.    Let cool in a serving bowl and sprinkle top
                                                                     with cinnamon  enjoy cold or hot!

                                                               “This recipe is a family favorite that goes
                                                               with every meal and is healthy! I remember
                                                               my mom cutting up a lot more apples than
                                                               needed for this recipe because we would
                                                               grab the apple slices to munch on before
                                                               they made it into the pan!”

                                                                                        Ho lid a y  R e c ip e s
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