Page 5 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 5

Chicken Kiev

                  Submitted by Barbara Grossman Berger ’77, Parent ’10

      INGREDIENTS                                         DIRECTIONS

      Prep Time: 40-60 mins (+ 1.5 hours freezing  1.          Prepare Herb butter. In small bowl, thoroughly
      and refrigerating)                                       mix butter, parsley, tarragon, garlic, salt, and
      Serves: 6-8                                              pepper. On foil or wax paper sheet, shape into a
      6 whole boneless, skinless chicken breasts               rectangle and freeze until firm, about 40
      ¾ cup un-sifted, all-purpose flour                       minutes.
      3 eggs, well beaten                                 2.   Meanwhile, prepare chicken. Cut each breast in
      1.5 cups seasoned breadcrumbs                            half and flatten to about ¼ inch thickness.
      1 cup butter or margarine (kosher option)           3.   Cut frozen butter into 12 pats. Place a pat of
      2 T chopped fresh parsley                                herb butter in center of each piece of chicken.
      1 ½ t dried tarragon                                     Bring the long sides of the chicken over the
      2 cloves garlic, minced                                  butter, fold ends over. Be sure that the butter is
      ¾ t salt                                                 completely wrapped into the chicken. Fasten
      ¼ t black pepper                                         with toothpicks to hold closed. It is important to
      Good quality oil for frying                              keep the butter inside the chicken during frying.
      Toothpicks                                          4.   Roll each piece of chicken in the flour, then dip
                                                               into the egg and then roll into the breadcrumbs,
      “It is customary to eat foods that are                   coating evenly all the way around. Shape the
      fried during Hanukah; latkes and donuts                  chicken pieces into triangles. Refrigerate,
      in particular, are traditional. I’m really not           covered until chilled, approximately 1 hour.
      sure if my mother used to make this                 5.   In a deep fryer, Dutch oven, or large heavy
      instead, when our family gathered to                     sauté pan, slowly heat oil (about 4 inches deep)
      celebrate the holiday, because it was                    until very hot. Add chicken pieces, a few at a
      fried or because it was our favorite                     time, turning with tongs, until browned and
      dinner.  Either way, it was truly a labor of             thoroughly cooked; approximately 15 minutes.
      love.”                                              6.   Keep cooked pieces warm in 200-250F oven

                                                               until all chicken is done. Loosely cover and be
                                                               careful not to keep in oven for too long before
                                                               serving or chicken will become to dry.

                                                                                        Ho lid a y  R e c ip e s
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