Page 4 - 2020-2021 Holiday and New Year Recipe Book | University of Rochester
P. 4

Stuffed Artichokes

                                Submitted by Allison Scola ’94, ’95 T5

        INGREDIENTS                                          DIRECTIONS

        Cook Time: 30 mins                                   1.    Prepare artichokes by removing external,
        Serves: 4                                                  hard leaves and with sharp knife, cleanly cut
        4 Medium fresh artichokes, washed and dried                stem from the bottom to create a flat bottom
        2 Shallots, diced                                          surface. Open them by banging several
        1 Bunch fresh Italian parsley, roughly chopped             times, topside down, on clean, hard surface
        discarding stems                                           until they look like a blooming flower. Once
        1¼ Cup plain breadcrumbs                                   opened, place in deep sauté pan, season
        2/3 Cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese                      with salt, set aside.
        Salt and pepper                                      2.    In a bowl, combine diced shallots,
        Extra virgin olive oil                                     breadcrumbs, cheese, chopped anchovies,
        Water                                                      and chopped parsley.
        4 Anchovy fillets in oil, roughly chopped            3.    Season with pepper (*do not add salt, as
        1 White potato (If necessary)                              anchovies seasoned the mixture).
                                                             4.    Once combined, add olive oil a little at a time
         “When I was a child, no holiday meal was                  while hand kneading mixture to get the
         complete without my Sicilian grandmother                  consistency of meatballs. Add water if
         Lorenzina’s stuffed artichokes. This recipe               mixture becomes dry. You have the correct
         is an updated version of hers, created by my              consistency when some of the mixture easily
         colleague in Sicily, Annalisa of GoSicily                 takes shape like Play-Doh.
         Sicilian Cooking Experiences, and me for            5.    Using your fingers to spread the center of the
         my Experience Sicily clients. The anchovies               artichoke open, like an open tulip, stuff the
         give it an extra something that make these                center the top with breadcrumb mixture.
         so good and so Sicilian!”                           6.    Add water to sauté pan, filling to cover
                                                                   bottom half of artichokes. Use the potato(s)
                                                                   to fill the other spaces in pan keeping
                                                                   artichokes upright. Cover pan, place on stove
                                                                   on medium heat, and cook 30 minutes.
                                                             7.    Artichokes are ready when you pull a test
                                                                   leaf, and it is tender (and, if you placed a
                                                                   potato in the pan, when you can pierce the
                                                                   potato easily with a fork). .
                                                             8.    Plate the stuffed artichokes and drizzle with
                                                                   extra virgin olive oil.

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