Page 1 - Buzz Magazine - Issue 4 Fall 2022 | University of Rochester
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V  E R S I T Y
                                           N     GOOD      O
                  ISSUE No. 4                 THINGS FOR                  MELIORA
                   FALL 2022               U  ALUMNI AND    F           EVER BETTER
                                                FRIENDS     R
                                           O               E
                                              C H E S    T

             THE ART AND                PLAYING FROM                   TAKING A LOOK
             SCIENCE OF WINE            THE HEART                      AT OPTICS
             Kerith Overstreet ’98M (MD)   Meet Jefferson Svengsouk ’05S (MBA),   Three alumni from different
             talks about what it takes to   professor of emergency medicine    generations shed light on
             make a great bottle of wine  and Native American flute player  this fast-growing field

             JUST FOR FUN
             Wine and food pairings, spot
             the difference, for your health,
             shop@MAG, and more

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